Recent content by Chimpzy

  1. Chimpzy

    Out of Context Quotes

    Tweeted from secret labs @Umbrella @RaccoonCity
  2. Chimpzy

    US 2024 Presidential Election An it should. No leader is better suited to the US than Trump So much winning.
  3. Chimpzy

    Game Articles and Videos Thread Ok? I think providing that question with a correct answer is missing the point, but go off, I guess.
  4. Chimpzy

    The Official Screenshot Thread

    Lorelei and The Laser Eyes
  5. Chimpzy

    Funny events in anti-woke world Article doesnt mention this, but the US wants a reply in English within five days. In case you don't know anything anything about the French: that is just precious.
  6. Chimpzy

    It's ok to be angry about capitalism Billionaires are the flakiest of snowflakes
  7. Chimpzy

    Funny events in anti-woke world Would be funny if they moved to Germany
  8. Chimpzy

    What have you purchased recently?

    New pair of front tires for my car. Again. Current pair has only been on there for six months. But the right one is damaged and it's only a matter of time before it blows.
  9. Chimpzy

    Funny events in anti-woke world 10K to bag an incel is a steal
  10. Chimpzy

    Elon Musk's purchase of Twitter may soon go through
  11. Chimpzy

    Funny events in anti-woke world
  12. Chimpzy

    Elon Musk's purchase of Twitter may soon go through

    Ooof, the K-hole was deep
  13. Chimpzy

    General Movies, Music, Web Show, and TV News Thread

    Are you all ready for AI movies?
  14. Chimpzy

    General Gaming News.

    I'm pretty sure SaGa is quite low budget, so it probably doesn't take all that much to recoup costs. It is also Akitoshi Kawazu's baby, who is one of the senior directors at Square. So I'm thinking that maybe the big wigs at Square decided that keeping one of their key creatives happy outweighs...
  15. Chimpzy

    General Gaming News.

    Squeeze one last one in, I suppose, and because the Switch 2 Direct is next week