Recent content by chrisjames

  1. C

    Zero Punctuation: Final Fantasy XIII

    Love the game, and love the review. It's every bit exactly right. Yes, it does get better later, but in this case, it takes a special (like special bus) kind of gamer to actually get that far without being ruined by loathing for everything it puts you through. Yes, I'm that kind of special...
  2. C

    Have you ever felt cheated after you bought/rented a game?

    Oh, really what hasn't been a disappointment? I can think of a few, out of my many games rented and purchased, that I don't regret paying money for: - Okami: rented for Wii. It was fun, and I'm glad I only rented it. I did the same with Mario Galaxy, which I also enjoyed, but I also...
  3. C

    Indy 4....whats the problem?

    Spoilers here, though it's already been spoiled above: Audiences delude themselves so much. It's just easier to pass off the aliens as a cheap plot, but that's probably because nowadays, such things are much less mystical to us. We've been so awash in alien fiction, especially at the...
  4. C

    Zero Punctuation: Oblivion

    I don't know about samey, since every large real-world area that's roughly equal in size to the Oblivion environment is pretty much rubber-stamped for a few square km, whereas Oblivion has variety. I guess it seems samey locally, but running from meadows, to redwood forests, to forest glades...
  5. C

    The first game you played

    It was probably Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt, which I played religiously, but I don't remember it as well as my second: Police Quest. I learned console and PC gaming simultaneously, but nothing stuck with me quite like learning to type furiously to accomplish tedious tasks at the age of four...