Recent content by Christian Kingston

  1. C

    Elite: Dangerous - Oculus Support Puts You in Infinity

    It's be suggested by the developer that the plan is that extremely anti social players will be placed in their own group and will only ever be able to play with players in the game group. That way they will just grief each other to death ;) There is a different between griefing and pirating...
  2. C

    Elite: Dangerous Introduces New Mechanics and Scenarios

    Regards the auto aim Some weapons have an amount of auto aim, some weapons do not. There will be many different combination of weapons available in the full game and no doubt the developer will be using this Alpha and subsequent Betas to balance the weapons out. The gun at the moment with...
  3. C

    Has getting older changed the way you game? If so is it for better or worse?

    I have a shit ton of money to spend on game now that I'm older. When I was a whipper snapper I got like one or two games a year so I played the crap out of them. Now a days I buy one or two games a month and fail to finish half of them.
  4. C

    Saints Row: The Third Trailer Brings Down the House (With Bullets)

    They released a gameplay video already Looks awesome, loved Saints Row 2, looking forward to some crazed co-op action and punching my co-op partner(s) in the bollox Look in the bottom right at 0:25, what's that big head thing?
  5. C

    Extra Punctuation: Roleplaying Homosexual in Dragon Age 2

    Spoilers........ I didn't pursue the homosexual relationships in DA2 but I did think the whole romance thing was well done. I managed to bang Isabella, give her up to the Qunari instead of fighting that big dude and then settled down with Merrill. Merrill has smaller titties and I find big...