Recent content by chronomaster5042

  1. C

    WARNING! this is a real threat to basic human freedoms!

    So maybe I should have googled a little deeper before posting that, you are indeed correct about the fifth amendment part, I'm sorry.
  2. C

    WARNING! this is a real threat to basic human freedoms!

    Yep I'm stupid, never mind. *note to self double checking sources is a good thing*
  3. C


    So I'm going to divide this list in to two parts, games I have played and games I have heard are good (but believed it enough to buy them =P) Part 1: Wild Arms 3&4 Persona 3:FES&4 (FES is an expansion of sorts which adds about 30hrs of gameplay so good to pick up if you can find it but 3 is...
  4. C

    Poll: Do you think computer games are getting easier?

    I think Jim Sterling got this one right on. Games have gotten easier to beat, but the challenge comes with the extras such as getting a perfect score, collecting all magic mcguffins, bonus bosses, etc. Game developers just don't force difficulty on players anymore.
  5. C

    Why do people hate optional stuff so much?

    It really depends on what kind of optional we're talking about. If we're talking about the useless filler kind of optional (ie collect 5 terrorist laptops for 500 points) then I think the hatred is justified. If it's side content that adds some character development (pro tip: optional quests...