Recent content by Cinnonym

  1. Cinnonym

    The First Blight: Curse of Dumat [RP/Closed]

    Nadja gave the elf a curt nod in response, "Come." With Ulrin mounted on Weaver's back, she gave Sulahn'nehn a boost up and helped her back into the relative safety of the harness. While the Anders worked, Fidelity consented to patching up Jarrik, using healing magic to knit his wounds back...
  2. Cinnonym

    The First Blight: Curse of Dumat [RP/Closed]

    "I'm certain you would have seen it yourself, if you hadn't your arrows and a rider to attend," Nadja gestured north, beyond the bay, "But we have more to handle than just picking up the pieces of Antiva City. There's a horde making way along the shoreline, while we were stuck here with ogres...
  3. Cinnonym

    The First Blight: Curse of Dumat [RP/Closed]

    "Were you?" Fidelity asked Diocles, impassively. "Please don't give my griffon alcohol." Nadja seemed relieved that the archer was sitting up and speaking; she'd never seen a man drop like that and get back up again, magic or no. With this very pressing matter now resolved, there was still...
  4. Cinnonym

    The First Blight: Curse of Dumat [RP/Closed]

    Fidelity dismounted fluidly beside Delphina, taking brisk strides toward the others and their fallen comrade. With singular purpose, and most notably without the snide remarks Thaedrin would have made, the spirit knelt opposite of Sulahn'nhen with the archer between them on the stone. His armor...
  5. Cinnonym

    The First Blight: Curse of Dumat [RP/Closed]

    White Fury returned before the ogre could retaliate, diving down and landing heavily on the creature's shoulders. The griffon's talons mauled its face and gouged its eyes, and as it bellowed in pain and alarm, his wings beat and his legs shoved off and upward. Blinded and near death as it was...
  6. Cinnonym

    The First Blight: Curse of Dumat [RP/Closed]

    Though their comrades had forgotten Jarrik and the ogre, Nadja at least remained to assist him--though he was still not invited back into the saddle. She didn't want to hold still long enough to risk it. When the ogre's arms raised to prepare another swing, White Fury's swift dive put...
  7. Cinnonym

    The First Blight: Curse of Dumat [RP/Closed]

    Fidelity looked at the uninjured archers with a blank expression, blinking rapidly in as near a gesture of surprise as it could manage. The spirit turned its head to regard Delphina with complete solemnity. "...Those ones are less slow."
  8. Cinnonym

    The First Blight: Curse of Dumat [RP/Closed]

    Nadja gave a sharp wail that was as much surprise as it was pain, her thigh feathered with two arrows and quickly reddening with blood. The griffon wheeled around and charged the archers out of blind instinct, latching onto one with talons and beak and showing the monster what had earned him his...
  9. Cinnonym

    The First Blight: Curse of Dumat [RP/Closed]

    Between the Wardens, it was simple clean-up of the remaining Darkspawn archers. Fidelity's magic struck true from a distance, and White Fury made another sweeping pass to slash a line of red through Nadja's target with talons and glaive. She landed the griffon on the wall and called to Jarrik...
  10. Cinnonym

    The First Blight: Curse of Dumat [RP/Closed]

    "I'm a bit bloody busy!" Unloading Jarrik at the wall had put White Fury too close to the line of fire and the beast fought to regain altitude swiftly; at the very least, the Rivaini would keep the sons of bitches distracted enough to give the others a reprieve from arrows. Who could tell...
  11. Cinnonym

    The First Blight: Curse of Dumat [RP/Closed]

    The spirit clutched firmly to Delphina, the thought of their inevitable altitude causing some concern. Nadja swung up onto the back of White Fury and helped Jarrik aboard as well, reminding him how to keep himself steady in the stirrups. "Three days, about. Just avoiding the road through the...
  12. Cinnonym

    The First Blight: Curse of Dumat [RP/Closed]

    Nadja gave him a nod, grinning. The man wasn't bad, and she was the best equipped for the job of putting him on the ground. She, too, fought at close quarters--though she did it mounted. The Constable would need to retain height. "Certainly. Wait by White Fury, there, let me strap the buxom...
  13. Cinnonym

    The First Blight: Curse of Dumat [RP/Closed]

    At dawn, Nadja stirred her fellow Wardens and informed them that Constable Aurelius was waiting at the roosts. Atop the tower, four beasts had been drawn from their stalls and saddled, one for each of the capable fliers. The one belonging to the Anders woman was a great snowy creature that she...
  14. Cinnonym

    The First Blight: Curse of Dumat [RP/Closed]

    "Oh, quite the opposite of islands, I'm afraid. What isn't sand is a rock in the Anderfels." Nadja did take the bottle back from him, but held it by its neck at her side. "But the Darkspawn touch us all, isn't that true? And there are no Grey Wardens greater and more loyal than the Anders. It's...
  15. Cinnonym

    The First Blight: Curse of Dumat [RP/Closed]

    "Ah--Thank you." Nadja took the bottle from the man's hand and leaned against the wall beside him to take a swig. The view from the tower made the world seem so small, just mountains and darkness for as far as the eye could see. One could almost forget the Darkspawn. Almost. She took one more...