Recent content by Citizen Sane

  1. C

    The person above me secretly wishes for....

    he secretlly wishs that he didnt drop out of school
  2. C

    BioWare Cancels EU The Old Republic Beta-Test Weekend

    Im looking forwards to playing the game during early access so i can wait. Want the game to be the best it can when it launchs and i want it fresh :P
  3. C

    If you could have any TALENT (not power), what would it be?

    I would want the talent of being really good at martial arts. your know the "natural". Being able to know every martial art would be cool
  4. C

    If you had to invade Hell which fictional army would you use?

    The Weird undead ghost thingys from The night angel triology ( I cant remember their name) The super ones just ignore Armour...
  5. C

    Your favorite lesser known band

    Deff. Voltaire he is awsome
  6. C

    Reccomend me a book

    You are awsome my friend. Try the Oath of the empire series. Its long and starts slow, but its a great series. Historical fiction. Rome in its decay and there is magic. Pretty good EDIT: sorry double post. Also try the Song/annals (its one of them) of Drakkis. Its a great series where the...
  7. C

    Reccomend me a book

    Alright based on what you listed i have your solution. Drop everything you are doing and go get the night angel trilogy but Brent Weeks. It is AMAZING
  8. C

    Poll: What do you consider a "friend"?

    Ya i need to know the person. Spend time talking with them. IF i want to hang out with them outside of school, then sure ill give it a go and if i still want to hang with them then i call them my friend
  9. C

    Girl Magnets

    Dont worry to much. Find a gaming club or an anime club and chat with the girls there. Become friends. If you want to meet girls so you can sleep with them and then dump them, ignore this advice.
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    Hardest dificulties that are ACTUALLY BLOODY HARD!

    Any Touhou game. S*************
  11. C

    Can someone please convince me SWTOR will not be a WoW clone with cutscenes?

    I dont know. Played wow for years and quit recently. But i have TOR preordered and frankly it looks amazing. The only think that looks similar to wow is the not moving while in comabt
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    Favourite weapon you've never used

    The fathers sword in Prince of Persia 3
  13. C

    CHARACTERS you like that everyone else seems to hate!

    Jar Jar Binks: I don't know why everyone hates him he's funny
  14. C

    Creatures/Characters You'd Rather Never Fight Ever Again.

    There is also the dustwing boss in the mission mode for 358/2 days. Every attacks does a random debuff to you and can also somtimes oneshot you. When i beat him it took me around 30 minutes
  15. C

    Creatures/Characters You'd Rather Never Fight Ever Again.

    Ansem from Kingdom hearts: Chain of Memories....I've yet to beat the dude and been trying off and on for the past like 6 years lol