Recent content by Citizen Snips

  1. Citizen Snips

    Rock Band 4 One-ups Guitar Hero Live: Supports Old Guitar Hero Gear

    I know I'm biased because I always preferred Guitar Hero to Rock Band, but I don't think this is necessarily a one-up for Rock Band. It's awesome that I can use my old equipment, but it also means that they've taken 5 years off and aren't planning on changing much besides putting it on the new...
  2. Citizen Snips

    Diversty in GTA

    As a fellow old Escapist member, I understand the feeling.
  3. Citizen Snips

    Diversty in GTA

    I try to stay out of these discussions, but this is blatantly false and drives the conversation in a very bad direction. The truth is that it's almost evenly split between male and female gamers, and in the next 10 years women might become the leader of gamers. "According to a study...
  4. Citizen Snips

    League of Legends Unleashes Spirit Guard Udyr

    I had to take a break this summer anyway because of an entire new wave of awful players, but having two SGU Udyr's every game and watching them play is cringe worthy. Even as a Udyr main I can't justify spending $15 on a purely cosmetic item considering I could go on Steam and but Borderlands 2...
  5. Citizen Snips

    Warner Bros. Acquires Dungeons & Dragons Film Rights

    Salvatore has been showing strong interest in a Drizzt Do'Urden movie since 2008, and the Forgotten Realms is one of the more popular D&D campaigns. That already gives it a large fan base as every book with Drizzt in it has been a NYTimes best seller. Or maybe I'm just justifying a movie...
  6. Citizen Snips

    Brand X

    I know Bob hails from Boston, but as someone who actually grew up in a small rural town in South Louisiana I can tell you that Walmart IS the town square of these communities. A common misconception is that these communities had small stores where each one had the products found in Wal-mart, but...
  7. Citizen Snips

    U.S. Senate Rejects Appeal Against Net Neutrality

    McCain is actually a really moderate level headed conservative much closer to the political global center than most American politicians. Too bad he had to go all "Maverick! Crazy Sauce!" on us in the primary to win the election bid. That and the crazy woman. Oh and an obligatory. Har Har he...
  8. Citizen Snips

    Phoenix Wright, Nova Join Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3 Cast

    It's actually a Homage of the cover of Uncanny X-men #141 with different characters from the games. In truth it should have been Wolverine, but it was neat for them to do Mega Man. I refuse to feel bad for knowing that.
  9. Citizen Snips

    Nintendo: Skyward Sword is Our Biggest Videogame Project Ever

    It's bigger than ever! You now will go through the water temple... Three times! I see all of this trumpeting as kind of pointless. There are four dungeons, you find a sword, find some triangles, get doo Dads that are only helpful where you found them, and then beat Gannon by fighting him in a...
  10. Citizen Snips

    Massive Cosplay to Recreate Battle of Marathon

    You left out the best part about the runner! Upon entering Athens the runner yelled "Nike!", which means victory, and promptly fell over and died. These silly runners making their jog in shorts. Let's see them run it in 60 pounds of armor!
  11. Citizen Snips

    Trailers: League of Legends: Wukong Champion Spotlight

    Jarvan is terrifying! I'll be sure to add you though, because I'm always looking for more people to play with.
  12. Citizen Snips

    Trailers: League of Legends: Wukong Champion Spotlight

    Not to flex my virtual muscles or anything, but I never see a good Xin either on my team or playing against them. Grant it I'm only lvl 17, so I haven't seen a ton of great characters but my Spartan Baker Pantheon has always dominated a Xin. I promise I'm not calling you out, because I'm still...
  13. Citizen Snips

    Russian President Sees Teaching Potential in MMOs

    PUTIN NEEDS NO COMRADES. He need only companionship of knife and bullet to catch moose and squirrel.
  14. Citizen Snips

    Russian President Sees Teaching Potential in MMOs

    In Soviet Russia, WoW grinds you! Now take that you stupid charities! I guess if the government makes the game they won't be the bad guys for once.
  15. Citizen Snips

    Define "good"

    The good is attributed to performing the function it was designed for. A good hammer drives the nail efficiently. A good axe splits wood in two in a single hit. A good person is a virtuous person. Aristotle would argue that these are minor goods, and we are actually searching for the...