Recent content by Clashero

  1. Clashero

    A new kind of hero

    1) Vampire: Bloodlines lets you play as a Malkavian, a hopelessly insane clan of vampires, making dialogue very, VERY hard. 2) Either Postal or Manhunt did this. Can't remember which one. 3) Don't the latest Bioware games allow for homosexual romances between the main character and one of...
  2. Clashero

    Jimquisition: Angry Birds Is Not Sh*t

    It definitely isn't shit. It's just not deserving of the success it has. There are MILLIONS of flash games in the same genre that are better than it. Crush the Castle blows it out of the water, for instance.
  3. Clashero

    Is call of duty an art?

    Of course it's art! All games are art! Now, is CoD good art? Is it expressive art? No, not at all. It's shitty art, but still art.
  4. Clashero

    Do you know girls who like video games?

    Hmmm... of the top of my head, 10 of my best female friends play games, and one of them is very knowledgeable about them (that is, she doesn't just play WoW, Modern Warfare and whatever other AAA is hot at the moment). My girlfriend, also, loves gaming, and it's one of our favourite activities...
  5. Clashero

    Is it me, or are games getting easier?

    The problem, as I see it, is this: normal mode is easy enough on most games, yes, but Hard mode is just... lazy on most parts. They usually give you less health, and make your enemies stronger and better at fighting, instead of imposing some other challenge. Good examples of really good Hard...
  6. Clashero

    Titty Shepard

    I normally use Larsmir for male characters, and for females Miriel. However, if I'm going for a certain type of character (perhaps a dwarf miner, a norse woman, etc) I'll think up something on the fly that fits with the character.
  7. Clashero

    Poll: Button-up shirts

    I have a little canvas pouch in which I keep aaaaaaaall of those buttons, in case I ever lose one, so I can sew it back on.
  8. Clashero

    "Fighting Games are Just Button Mashers" and other statements

    I can beat my friends on Soul Calibur 9 times out of 10, perhaps a bit more. I play knowing the combos and moves, while they mash buttons. I think SC really struck the right balance with that, in that a skilled player can easily take down a button masher, while making the button masher feel like...
  9. Clashero

    Strangest thing you find unattractive on people

    I have commonly heard people citing a slight gap in the front teeth of a woman to be attractive, but I find it hideous.
  10. Clashero

    Poll: Do instant-kill knives/melee need to go?

    Personally, I prefer one-hit kills with melee weapons in games. No one would ever use them otherwise, and I think we've all seen how crummy Counter-Strike knife fights look. Perhaps if it had a semi-realistic knife-fighting engine (a hit to any vital area should at least incapacitate you, make...
  11. Clashero

    there shouldnt be ads till the game is done: a rant of over 50 words

    I'll pretend you said "biscuits". Having learned English at school, I quite fancy British English over American :)
  12. Clashero

    Bioware Says Shooter Combat "Biggest Risk" in Mass Effect 2

    Not at all. They explained it perfectly in Mass Effect 1. The weapons, in short, had a small slab of metal for a clip, and the weapons only shot extremely tiny pieces of metal with every shot, propelled forward by a Mass Effect generator. The weapon calculates how much mass is needed to...
  13. Clashero

    there shouldnt be ads till the game is done: a rant of over 50 words

    Ermm.... so you're saying companies should only advertise finished products, considering that games go gold almost the momento they're considered finished? That's like having a party, but only inviting people once it already starts.
  14. Clashero

    Poll: Sing, damn you! Sing!

    I started tolerating and sometimes enjoying guttural voices when I got into: Haggard and Eluveitie Also, I don't mind "harsh" vocals at all. As for screams: I could mention Björk, Aerosmith, but I'll just say this: Won't Get Fooled Again. YEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!
  15. Clashero

    I have no reason to play FemShep in ME2.

    You have "no reason" to play female Shepard because she can only have sex with male characters? That's... that's just... I don't... Ugh.