Recent content by ConverseRocker9

  1. ConverseRocker9

    Can the phrase "so bad it's good" really apply to a game?

    I believe that the original Resident Evil fits into this category.
  2. ConverseRocker9

    Favourite turret section(s)?

    I think that most people know what a turret section is. A part in a game where you have to shoot incoming projectiles or enemies while remaining seated in a stationary turret. I generally don't think they're all that special but some of them I have really enjoyed and I'm wondering if anyone else...
  3. ConverseRocker9

    final boss..... That's it?

    The two that stick out in my mind are: Gears of War 2 - They create a huge boss to fight for the final battle and you just shoot it with the satellite laser thing a couple of times and it all it does to you is mess up your aim. Dead Space 1 - Again, a huge boss except this one does attack...
  4. ConverseRocker9

    Poll: What are your favourite kinds of solos?

    I've been listening to a few CD's from my music collection over the past week and I've began to think about what solos I liked the most. I was listening to mostly classic rock (Boston, The Doors, The Who etc) and I think I'm stuck between Guitar and Keyboard solos. I'm just curious to see what...