Recent content by coolkirb

  1. coolkirb

    Judge Refuses To Dismiss League of Legends Terrorist Threat Case

    The Wild West days of the internet will come to an end soon. And why the charges may be extreme and unwarranted in this case I think this highlights how the days of not being accountable for what you do online are coming to an end.
  2. coolkirb

    Wii Mini Disappoints

    I don't think this is a bad Idea. That is to have a cheap basic console for people who have held off or for parents looking for a gift for younger children.I think the problem is that its just a bit too expensive still at $100. They should have bundled Wii sports with or made it $80 so that...
  3. coolkirb

    Nintendo Sells 425,000 Wii U Systems in Seven Days

    We all also have to keep in mind the Wii U will launch in Japan tomorrow, so the launch is not even done yet. If this keeps up it may sell 1 Million units plus by the end of January, maybe even December.
  4. coolkirb

    Senate Candidate Attacked Over World of Warcraft

    All well this wont have much political effect as the Indepent is expected to win by a fairly safe margin.
  5. coolkirb

    Terraria Goes to Consoles, PC Gamers Go Nuts

    Between this and Bayonetta one could begin to lose faith in gamin in general. I mean it is getting harder and harder not to type cast everyone as self-entiteld whiners.
  6. coolkirb

    Psychonauts Dev Would "Love to Revisit the Franchise"

    Yes then Nintendo would be an evil bad company for funding all the games people want but making them exclusive, god forbid Nintendo tries to make their consol have amazing exclusives.
  7. coolkirb

    Gamers Rage About Bayonetta 2 on Wii U

    This is just proof that most nintendo hate is based around some sort of imaginary force then real facts. Nintendo publishe's more "adult" "core" gamer games, people yell at them for stealing it from everyone else. I personally would think people would be happy in putting their money where their...
  8. coolkirb

    2K: New Genres Impossible Without Photorealism

    I cant help but feel his point is proved invalid by books, comic books, anime, cartoons, and interactive video novel type games like Myst and 999.
  9. coolkirb

    Nintendo Likely to Go Software Only, Says Zynga Board Member

    yes because a company that has proven it can survive without much third party support and whos in-house games sell better then others consistently is in trouble. I cant see a third party nintendo, their flagship titles are still to popular for them to go thrid part. When we see people stop...
  10. coolkirb

    Judge Demands Disclosure of Private Facebook Photos

    The Canadian Legal System is a bit different then the US, namely that things obtained illegaly by Cops are not allways thrown out of court and the Judge may accept them.
  11. coolkirb

    PlayStation All-Stars Looks Smashingly Familiar

    It will be interesting to see how this works out. All of Nintendo's characters fit together as they were for the most part all made by Nintendo. Soney will have its work cut out for them (espicially since they have resorted to using fat princess as a character). Hopefully they get some cool...
  12. coolkirb

    Update: Reddit Suicide Lawsuit Is a Hoax

    Their are some flaws in this arguement. First you cant just say he could have walked away because then you could say people who are bullied via text could do the same thing. Also their is a difference between doing nothing and encourageing the action, the posters could have stayed quite but they...
  13. coolkirb

    Update: Reddit Suicide Lawsuit Is a Hoax

    As was said before regulation will come to the internet. How harsh and in what form is unkown but it will come. People claim free speech but as was said before their are limitations on it.
  14. coolkirb

    Update: Reddit Suicide Lawsuit Is a Hoax

    It is a crime to advise someone to commit suicide. The internet is new and so are things like facebook and other social media. There is a problem we will face as new laws have to be made to deal with the new virtual world. Should these people be held accountable for their actions? Does being on...
  15. coolkirb

    Sliding Game Sales Hammer Best Buy

    I think the "testing ground" theory holds some merit. Best Buy has higher prices because they put the effort into displaying product and highering supposedly more knowledgable employies who can help you make your decision about what kind of TV to buy. But if you put the money into displays and...