Recent content by coppah20HE

  1. coppah20HE

    Watch Dogs Review - No Hack Job

    I was really hyped for this game. Spent $84 on a special editon, waited 9 hours for it to download. Now I can't even get past the first loading screen without it crashing. It's completely unplayable. :(
  2. coppah20HE

    The Big Picture: The Devil You Know - Part II

    Well like I said, I'm from a mostly secular country. When I envision "Evil" I picture the vile and wrongful acts committed by an individual, caused by ethical flaws in ones personality, not by the manifestation of a supernatural being. If you told me to picture "Evil", I would picture Hitler...
  3. coppah20HE

    The Big Picture: The Devil You Know - Part II

    I'm still amazed that there are people who actually think Satan is real. Guess thats what happens when you grow up in a secular country. :P
  4. coppah20HE

    In defence of the 'Friendzoned'

    I don't understand why people overcomplicate the definiton of the "Friendzone" Are far as I see it, It's literally just a new-age term for unrequited love. Hell, I sometimes classify myself as being in the "friendzone", with one of my best friends :/
  5. coppah20HE

    Poll: Do You Date?

    I used to but, but then my boyfriend broke up with me. I all I have are my friends with benefits :(
  6. coppah20HE

    What would gay porn filmed by and for women look like?

    Im both gay and a man, and personally have never liked Bara much for the same reason I really don't like gay porn. It's usually full of hairy, muscle-bound men who I actually find really unattractive. Of course, I clearly must be in the minority then, if all this gay porn is being tailored...
  7. coppah20HE

    The Big Picture: Silly Billy

    I'm a 20 year old Australian, and I knew every word to "The Ballad of Jed Clampett" But then, I love old TV shows
  8. coppah20HE

    Zero Punctuation: Fez and I Am Alive

    lol the QR code at 2:26 says "Stop pausing the video you tech-savvy bellend" what if i did XP
  9. coppah20HE

    LoadingReadyRun: Cruising

    Oh, so THIS is how you meet gay guys... and here i am, wasting my time clubbing XD
  10. coppah20HE

    Your latest music fixation

    Some new stuff.... Some old stuff....
  11. coppah20HE

    Poll: Favourite LOTR Fellowship Member

    Boromir. always found him the most relatable and, i guess even the most "human" of all the characters, what with his desires for power, and glory. Also, Sean Bean has been one of my favourite actors, ever since i watched James Bond: Goldeneye, when i was 5, and thought it was the best movie...
  12. coppah20HE

    What counts as breaking the 4th wall?

    Breaking the 4th wall, in my opinion, is when a character adresses, or communicates either the audience directly, or makes a reference outside the context of the fictional setting. For example; in the opening scene of James Bond On Her Majesty's Secret Service, George Lazenby (playing Bond)...
  13. coppah20HE

    Best Tower Defense Game

    Gratuitous Space Battles would have to be my favourite, but i don't play many Tower Defence games XP
  14. coppah20HE

    Feed Dump: Reindeer Pâté

    At least the hat can get it up ;)
  15. coppah20HE

    You Skyrim Backstory...

    Damn, Double Post >:-/