Recent content by Courtney

  1. C

    Games that you tried so very hard to like.

    Skyrim, I just can't get into it, which is particularly strange since I love playing games like Fall out and oblivion.
  2. C

    What do you think of Dead Island?

    Having just finished this game in SP mode, and intending to COOP it with a different character soon, I believe that this game was worth the money, I've clocked up around 30-35 hours of gameplay from the game, and it was WELL worth the money I spent on it. Although, I seem to be one of the...
  3. C

    Have you left WoW and if so why.

    I played WOW from vanilla until the end of TBC, I rejoined in WOTLK when my friend offered to pay for my subscription and because several other friends had also joined, however the content was too easy and repetitive, so I left again also partially due to starting A levels. This summer...
  4. C

    What would you write on a Safe Room wall?

    FYI, the safe door lock is broken ;P.
  5. C

    Poll: Personality test - Which personality type do you belong to?

    YOUR TYPE I N T J Strength of the preferences % 44 75 62 1 Reccommended Jobs - Lawyer, Librarian, Natural science, Natural Science education, computer programming and Information Specialist, wow, I have a boring personality = /. Famous people of your particular type Isaac Newton...
  6. C

    The last weapon you used in-game is now your weapon in the zombie apocolypse

    M60 Alongside one of the members of the L4D2 group, Sweet ;D.