Recent content by crabman

  1. crabman

    Zero Punctuation: Thief: The Dark Project

    Stealth em up? Nice. Also, "WHERE ARE YOU, YOU TAFFAR?" Great game, great review.
  2. crabman

    Naming soundtracks

    Is there a way of having all songs in a soundtrack show up under one name, but that keeps the actual artist names when being played? I just put the Donnie Darko soundtrack on my computer, and half the songs are by different artists. I've tried grouping them under the name 'Donnie Darko...
  3. crabman

    Zero Punctuation: Eve Online

    Pretty much sums up what I think of MMO's. I don't see the point in them, but there you go, it appears a lot of people do. Also, if we are the choir, shouldn't we be singing? Maybe someone should come up with lyrics for the themetune.
  4. crabman

    That's what she said...

    Nah, has to be this one: Those arm movements must go with every mention of the phrase "That's what she said".
  5. crabman

    Music with a message

    The album In The Aeroplane Over The Sea by Neutral Milk Hotel. Hugely moving album, once you get over his slightly weird voice. Give it two or three listens and you will be in love. For those that just want to know, it's all about the story of Anne Frank. Sounds like it shouldn't work, and...
  6. crabman

    Time Travel

    Go back and kill your ancestors! If they're not alive, then you will never have been born! But then you wouldn't be alive to kill your ancestors! But then your ancestors wouldn't die! So you can go back and kill your ancestors! Ahh, that always makes my head hurt. Now DO IT!
  7. crabman

    Recent Buys

    A bacardi breezer *hangs head in SHAME*. Wasn't actually for me though, so that's ok. Otherwise, it's Born To Fight, Ong Bak and Warrior King, 3 Thai films. Ordered them a few minutes ago from - £10.50 for the three. I feel like I got a bargain. Now I just need to see if they're...
  8. crabman

    2012 ...........the end?

    I do love this, I saw it on Digg not that long ago. I have to wonder why people who had allegedly discovered this, and now have confirmation from Bell Canada and Verizon that it will happen, are not going straight to the media. No, they're putting it on youtube. Talking about spreading...
  9. crabman

    Underaged children with Microphones.

    Screw the spoons - go for an entire cutlery set! I'm not playing online very often (don't own an xbox/ps3, and this computer isn't exactly set up for smooth gaming), so really the only time I can experience people (usually on xbl) is when I go round my friends house. I've used the mic once...
  10. crabman

    I Quit!

    The last level of Black on Hard. Jeez is that a long, difficult level. How many guys with RPGs can be in one building? And not just one building, one room? I'm telling you, those were very well armed terrorists. Why didn't they just buy the world, rather than try to take it by force...
  11. crabman

    What music do you like?

    You also have very good music taste. I like you too.
  12. crabman

    What music do you like?

    I lost mysef, I lost myself. The most epic sing-a-long ever. I was quite near the front, so I didn't even see this: Although the lighting I did see was amazing. Crowd was dead around where I was though
  13. crabman

    What music do you like?

    I wish I could see them at Warped Saw them at the London Astoria way back in March, my first time seeing them live. Since them, I've become... shall we say.. slightly obsessed with them :) Hopefully they'll come back to England soon-ish
  14. crabman

    What music do you like? No, I'm not sure why Snow Patrol is that high either... They're not too bad, but...that high? edit: I like you ;)
  15. crabman

    Zero Punctuation: Haze

    Well thanks to that review, I now want a cornetto. I'm already hungry enough! I have to agree with DoctorNick. $110??? That's £53! (yeah, I needed to convert it to 'real' money)