Recent content by csulasiris

  1. csulasiris

    What are your Favourite Stand-Alone (Non-Series) JRPGs???

    @joest01 Cheers for that, man (^_^) Actually, though I love the original Wild ARMS with a burning passion, I have never played another game in the series (maybe five minutes of 2, long long ago...)
  2. csulasiris

    Recommend what you would consider must-play iPhone Games

    Battrix: Floating Continent It is an iPhone RPG from the makers of Half-Minute Hero, where you reclaim the world map from monsters one square at a time. Weapons can be tinkered with at a variety of smiths to gain extra stats and elements and you can pull in a friend or random stranger from...
  3. csulasiris

    That game that you REALLY want to complete, but always get distracted from

    Final Fantasy for me. The original. I now own the PS1 remake version, iPhone version, and original Japanese Famicom cart (quite proud of that one) -> have started all several times and never, ever finished it (._.)
  4. csulasiris

    What are your Favourite Stand-Alone (Non-Series) JRPGs???

    Resonance of Fate (End of Eternity over here) is another interesting-looking one I never got around to checking out during the last generation. Keep 'em coming, guys!
  5. csulasiris

    What are your Favourite Stand-Alone (Non-Series) JRPGs???

    Excellent catch, and one I never got around to finishing. Needs a revisit! :)
  6. csulasiris

    What are your Favourite Stand-Alone (Non-Series) JRPGs???

    TWEWY is one of my favourite games from the DS era - unique and addictive gameplay, great look, and I still listen to the soundtrack today. Never got into Lost Odyssey so much, but I remember the dream-story sequences were very well written and moving.
  7. csulasiris

    What are your Favourite Stand-Alone (Non-Series) JRPGs???

    Nice one :) As I recall LoD was overshadowed at the time of release because FF9 had just dropped (at least in Europe). Great game, glad people remember it fondly.
  8. csulasiris

    Three franchises you'd fund a sequel for - three franchises you'd bury in a dank, dark pit

    Resurrect: 1) Chrono series - Chrono Break needs to happen while my thumbs are still young enough to twiddle. 2) Commander Keen - I've missed the pale little bugger, pogo-physics and all 3) Legacy of Kain - The last generation was lacking in Nosgoth Bury: 1) Final Fantasy - I love...
  9. csulasiris

    What are your Favourite Stand-Alone (Non-Series) JRPGs???

    Nice choice! I remember having a lot if fun with that game a few years back - unusual concept, but nicely executed.
  10. csulasiris

    What are your Favourite Stand-Alone (Non-Series) JRPGs???

    Hey folks! ♪(´ε` ) I've been on an old-school JRPG binge for a few weeks - Final Fantasy VI, Phantasy Star IV, Wild ARMS, Dragon Quest V, and more. All great games, all part of a larger series. My question is as follows: what are your favourite non-series JRPGs (old or new)...