Recent content by CuddlyCombine

  1. CuddlyCombine

    "Whoa, when did THIS kick ass!?"

    I've got to say Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. Both games, especially the first one, started out bland then hooked me through the nose and pulled my insides out.
  2. CuddlyCombine

    Poll: What is the Big Deal With Bloody Shakespeare?!?!

    I'm feeding you a line and you're gobbling it up hook, line and sinker. It's a bit funny. Oh, and... I'm assuming your professors are also part of a school which encourages blatant misspellings? I mean, hey, grammar and spelling are living, breathing entities; who sez we haz two spel rite...
  3. CuddlyCombine

    Poll: What is the Big Deal With Bloody Shakespeare?!?!

    I love it when a plan comes together posts stray this far from the original topic. I've inserted corrections in italics. ** = inserted correction "" = existing mistake (inserted semicolon to prevent run-on, removed excess modifiers) Well, you seem to have two options, at least concerning...
  4. CuddlyCombine

    Poll: What is the Big Deal With Bloody Shakespeare?!?!

    I am, which is why I'm incredulous here. If you're in the same boat, how do you explain the fiasco that is the following paragraph? I've highlighted that which is most offensive. Then again, I'm willing to accept the fact that I'm too strict about this sort of stuff, lest we tumble into an...
  5. CuddlyCombine

    Poll: What is the Big Deal With Bloody Shakespeare?!?!

    Criticizing someone's grammar with your flawed grasp of the language does not effect anything positive.
  6. CuddlyCombine

    Wikipedia, home of pedophiles?

    Yes, because Fox News is reliable. If they caught two rednecks talking about how they'd like to bring back eugenics in-between dry heaves, they'd make a story out of it.
  7. CuddlyCombine

    Poll: Mayes Muses- Good or Bad?

    I'm not a huge fan, but I know that Russ and co. are fully on top of it. If they feel that she's past her prime, they'll deal with it.
  8. CuddlyCombine

    Internet Approves .XXX Domain Just for Porn

    You've only been on the internet for 4 years? Anyway, as somebody who legitimately doesn't browse porn sites, I can safely say that this doesn't affect me. Also, nobody will believe the above sentence.
  9. CuddlyCombine

    Yahtzee Wrote a Book

    Perhaps I'm a just more of a fan of the omniscient third-person narrative, because I've always found first-person to be jarring in terms of immersion. Of course, it's not necessary for you to become the main character, but even if it helps you relate, it's going somewhere.
  10. CuddlyCombine

    On the two "named" Reapers in Mass Effect...

    Sovereign acted of its own accord, free of outside orders. I'd say the name is fitting. Regardless, as somebody already mentioned, its actual name was Nazara.
  11. CuddlyCombine

    Yahtzee Wrote a Book

    First-person narrative, huh? Didn't see that one coming, given that you're always all about letting the consumer immerse themselves in a story (which, of course, is easier when the lead isn't saying "I" every second sentence). Other than that, looks pretty good. I'm picking up a copy for sure...
  12. CuddlyCombine

    Breaking Up the Facebook Way

    I have to admit that the Mass Effect picture was my favourite part of this.
  13. CuddlyCombine

    Wikipedia to Unlock Protected Articles

    Yeah, damn them corporations who don't profit from anything but still force bias. We're not unprotecting anything. Read the full post above and you will see this. A note to everyone who's interested; the thing that the media are talking about (and getting wrong quite a bit) has existed...
  14. CuddlyCombine

    Wikipedia to Unlock Protected Articles

    As one of said 'senior members', I'm not looking forward to this. You'd be amazed at how funny some people think vandalizing is. The biggest problem is that people who make edits that the reviewing admin isn't sure about will have to wait for their stuff to get checked (or, unfortunately...
  15. CuddlyCombine

    Call of Duty: Black Ops Soundtrack to Feature Eminem

    While I have nothing against Eminem, I don't understand the need to hype everything up to the point of insanity. "Unparalleled musical experience?" Next they're going to tell us to turn off all the lights in our room and lie in the dark listening to the soundtrack on repeat.