Recent content by CUnk

  1. C

    Game of Thrones T-Shirt Leads To Suspension Of College Professor

    When you think about it it seems odd they'd admit that this is just "standard procedure". "Yes, our standard procedure is a kneejerk reaction that doesn't involve any thinking whatsoever. Then we follow up with some spiteful behavior. It's all in the employee manual...didn't you read it?"
  2. C

    8 Scripts That Should Have Never Made It To The Big Screen

    Hrm. I liked "Cowboys and Aliens". I guess I can agree with the rest though.
  3. C

    Escapist RSS feed cruft

    Am I the only person who gets lots of repeated articles in the Escapist RSS feed? It seems to be related to article titles getting edited or something but whatever the cause it unnecessarily inflates the article count with pointless entries. Perhaps a minor quibble but one I've put up with for...
  4. C

    8 Views of Largest Space Battle Ever in Eve Online

    Actually the ships themselves are quite expendable. Yes it can be painful to lose expensive stuff but it's not wiping out months or years of effort. Most people have dozens of ships available to hop into. Often sprinkled all over the map. Losing ships is a fact of life in EVE.
  5. C

    NYCC 2013: EVE: True Stories Tells GoonSwarm's Tale

    Hopefully they'll cover some of the older stories that inspired most SA members (including myself) to give EVE a go in the first place. Like GHSC's famous scam (maybe one of the first EVE stories to get the attention of the gaming press). I'd also like to see the GoonSwarm stories begin with...
  6. C

    Notch: SteamOS is "Saving the Entire Gaming World"

    I too am confused about how Win8 is bad for independent developers. Unless I missed the rioting I'm pretty sure all the applications that run on Win7 (independent or otherwise) also run on Win8. So I don't see how there could possibly be any sort of mechanism that can pose an obstacle for new...
  7. C

    Tetris World Speed Record Broken

    I don't even understand the technique involved in doing something like this. It can't be just normal Tetris thinking at 100x the speed. There has to be some muscle memory involved -- like speed runs. Obviously they are being shown the next 6 blocks rather than just one but I still don't see...
  8. C

    Notch Cancels Space Sandbox Game, Fans Salvage It

    I assume this ia a joke. Making fun of the very real psychos that think this way.
  9. C

    Elite: Dangerous Studio Releases First Screenshots

    Knowing Elite those are probably shots of the docking sequence. Explosions included.
  10. C

    Bohemia Hack Snags User Data

    Unfortunately unless your password is random and at least 8 characters long you may not be as safe as you think simply because the password data is encrypted:
  11. C

    Prototype Laser Gatling Gun Unveiled

    Where's the "kaboom"? There was supposed to be an earth-shattering "kaboom".
  12. C

    Google Announces "Unlimited" Streaming Music Service

    Oh no! Another option for people. How annoying! Some of us look at the thousands of dollars of dusty CDs we own yet never play and can't help but feel a twinge of buyer's remorse. $120/yr for the opportunity to listen to almost anything I want sounds pretty good to me (I've been paying for...
  13. C

    Salem Dev: MMOs Without Permadeath Aren't Proper Games

    If the game was compelling in spite of the permadeath and pvp aspects I'm sure a lot more people would put up with (or even enjoy) those elements. What I encountered in the beta (or maybe it was alpha) of this game was pretty much pure tedium. (And this is coming from a guy who enjoys Wurm...
  14. C

    Frontier Developments Cuts Staff

    Maybe it's not as bad as it sounds. Maybe they only fired non-Christian employees.
  15. C

    DayZ Breaks Out of ArmA II

    I wonder if all those people who bought Arma2 just to play DayZ will get some sort of discount. No, I don't really expect them to do that but I hope they at least acknowledge that fact and maybe throw them some sort of bone.