Recent content by Dagnius

  1. Dagnius

    Female metal/rock singers

    Hmm, Two that I know of are Battlelore and Midnattsol. Battlelore is about the Tolkein universe while Midnattsol is Norwegian(?) Folk lore. I like both very much, though I'm not sure if they're what're you're looking for =p
  2. Dagnius

    What's your habit in games?

    I save a lot. Just in case. It doesn't help when I have multiple characters. That's also something I'm pretty bad at doing when it comes to gaming: I'm never satisfied with One single character. I was showing my friend some stuff on Skyrim only to find out I was on the wrong character so I...
  3. Dagnius

    Draw the game you are currently playing in MS paint

    My guess: Empire Earth? That's what it reminds me of anyways XD
  4. Dagnius

    Draw the game you are currently playing in MS paint

    I chose the lesser of two evils to draw. My first choice was something from Katawa Shoujo seeing as how I had it paused in the background while playing something else. I'm terribly with art so this one seemed to be the easiest route XD
  5. Dagnius

    Poll: Apartments and Noise

    I've never lived in an apartment. However, If I ever DO live in an apartment I would very much enjoy quiet neighbors. While it's a bit off-subject; Every time a car drives down the street I live on with it's 'music' bumping and thumping away I just wish It would spontaneously combust.
  6. Dagnius

    Do you own games you haven't played yet?

    I don't own many games due to financial reasons, and when I can afford a new game, you bet i'm gonna play it. I have several that I haven't beaten yet, but that's a different story. It's just against my nature to buy a game and just put it on the shelf. I have to play it at least until I get...
  7. Dagnius

    Games that were Almost Great

    For me, It's Brutal Legend. The demo blew me away, the soundtrack was amazing, the art was 'metal' and as cheesy as he is sometimes, Jack Black fit the lead role perfectly. Then RTS/TowerDefense happened, a LOT.
  8. Dagnius

    Play WoW Monopoly and StarCraft Risk This Year

    They should've reversed the two. WoW Risk would be fun imo, supposing there's not already one lol. (inb4 "go play warcraft 1, 2, or 3 noob!" Just not the same as good ol' risk)
  9. Dagnius

    Games that ramped up difficulty and dang near destroyed the experience

    Skyrim seems to have a difficulty ramp when entering a dungeon as compared to fighting outside (most noticeable when just starting out). I remember when first getting the game and playing as a mage. I had so much fun melting the faces of bandits outside a ruined fort, but When I went inside the...
  10. Dagnius

    Games that ramped up difficulty and dang near destroyed the experience

    It's been several months since I've played it. The boss I got annoyed with and quit on was an Undead Dragon (Elder Wyrm I believe(after Tiamat)) that summoned (what I'm assuming are) two trees that do AoE damage and need to be killed. I should be used to fights like those considering my history...
  11. Dagnius

    What did you name your Skyrim character?

    I ended up naming my Breton Mage "Dom" (as borrowed from Megatokyo) while just playing around. I had company and just rushed through creation and went on to setting people on fire. Funny thing is, I got to playing around with that character more after my company left and rather enjoyed it...
  12. Dagnius

    Games that ramped up difficulty and dang near destroyed the experience

    Final Fantasy XII. But to me, it DID destroy the Experience. I loved the game up until I got to a point to where I was getting face-rolled by a boss. You might say "Oh, well duh you're going to get stuck on bosses eventually in RPGs and have to level up a bit!" Well, I Spent the majority of TWO...
  13. Dagnius

    What games are you looking forward to? :3

    The only game I'm truly looking forward to at the minute is Final Fantasy Type-0 (previously knows as Final Fantasy Agito XIII). However, I suppose I could be looking forward to Asura's Wrath and Kingdoms of Amalur as well. The demo for Asura's Wrath was insanely awesome to me, being someone...
  14. Dagnius

    Who is your favorite horror movie serial killer?

    I'm not a big fan of the Horror Genre, but If I had to choose from my very limited selection, it'd be Santa (played by Bill Goldberg) in the movie Santa's Slay []. The movie is more Slasher than Horror but I definitely would recommend it to those that like...
  15. Dagnius

    Boxsets you've rewatched / you rewatch again and again

    I can watch The Slayers [] (first three seasons box set) over and over. Though, to be completely honest I'll usually stop after season 2; I didn't find S3 to be nearly as good as the first two...