Recent content by DALEKK


    Poll: How many languages can you speak?

    Bulgarian - native language English - almost fluently French - pretty good, still studying Polish - good Spanish - Studying and know very little

    Poll: the skinny jean fad

    I love skinny jeans. I also wear them.

    Poll: Do musicians have to beautiful?

    Well most of those beautiful singers become so beautiful only after a bunch of stylists start making them look at their best. So it's not all about the looks but how you wrap them up.


    I used to be really into Parkour. I trained almost every day for two years and just when I got somewhat good in it I broke my leg and couldn't do anything for almost a year(it was pretty bad) so I had to start all over again, practicing everything, so I just quit. A friend of mine has been...

    dumbest way you hurt yourself

    When I was 6 I tryed running against a window like I saw someone do in a cartoon and it ended up in me running through the window resulting in an imediate trip to the E.R. and going to school looking like a mummy :D

    Best toy as a kid

    My huge lego collection. Nothing has improved my imagination and creativity like those toys. When I was five I would build anything in a few minutes without using a manual and I don't mean just legos. Anything that we had you had to build yourself was built in a few minutes.

    Games you thought you'd love but you turned out hating them.

    Fallout 3: I was so hyped-up about this game. I was counting the days till it came out, I installed it, I played it untill I reached 7th lvl, but lost interest pretty fast. Spore: Again, so excited. I had read all the stuff written about it everywere, installed it and got really disappointed...