Recent content by damndaewoo

  1. D

    Welcome to Fallout town: What do you do now?

    I'm a mechanic, and even though there aren't any cars in the fallout universe I refuse to believe that not one single vehicle survives nuclear apocalypse so I'd be setting up Junk town motors. Also not too bad in the wilderness, no Bear Gryls (or however it's spelt) but I can get by so I'd be...
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    Extra Credits Needs Your Help (+$60,000 Reached!)

    I have donated what I can. Hope it helps. Get better soon Alison.
  3. D

    Anonymous has a plan

    ^^indeed. OT: imo this is in no way related to anon, it is far to focused on the real world rather than the interwebz and technology. edit: also, sounds far to pretentious (is that spelt right?)
  4. D

    Why the PSN outage shouldn't matter...

    Yeah, they mostly know what they're doing, except how to make my games download at more than 30-40 kbps
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    "Feeding Kids Meat is Child Abuse"

    That video reminds me of the intro to this tool song.
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    What's the Nerdiest Thing You've Ever Done?

    Having a conversation with a mate and managing to change the topic from re-doing the intake on his car to the time I did my first ubuntu install
  7. D

    Coolest thing you've done/made in Minecraft

    My spiral tower that goes from Bedrock to the build height limit. Still pretty new to MC so that's all I've accomplished
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    My PS3 Does Not Reciprocate My Love

    Best choice ever? Couldn't agree more.
  9. D

    Games you Desperately Want to be Made. NOW.

    ^^^^ This. End of.
  10. D

    The Days of Consoles Are Numbered, Says EA Founder

    I majorly dislike the idea of all games being run through a single service. I like the fact that some games suit some platforms better, i.e. I love racing games and personally think they are better on a console (ps3 would be my console of choice) but for my FPS games or the one online game i...
  11. D

    Need Revenge Ideas...also recommendations for good noise-canceling headphones.

    hair removal cream + their shampoo. 'nuff said.
  12. D

    9 Minutes to go

    Either this^^ or just climb up on the roof with a box of beers and just watch it all go down
  13. D

    Poll: The Best Supernatural Charcter

    Castiel, for that one episode where dean goes to the future and Cas is all mellow. was hillarious
  14. D

    Eve online help would be wonderfull.

    try, once you have discovered the site, warping to it, then head back to your agent
  15. D

    Games you have completed in one sitting

    every tomb raider since they moved off ps1. heavnly sword, guitar hero legends of rock (story mode, hard) hl2 ep. 1&2, portal, assassins creed, unreal tournament 3 story mode, and thats all i can remember