Recent content by dampab

  1. D

    Video games ARE causing violence.

    I tried playing Turok on my 360 once. It fired the disc back out at me and slapped me with its disc tray. D:
  2. D

    Poll: Teen Shot dead after attempting to mug man

    I think the guy shot so many times out of terror and blind panic, rather than malice sure its fine for us to say "Oh its wrong he couldve shot him in the leg" We have to remember hed been dazed, it was at night, he thought he was in real danger. All of us wouldve done the same.
  3. D

    Worst Movie experience

    Had to have been Reign of Fire. My thoughts going through were basicly:Yes! A movie about people fighting dragons with moden weapons! AWESOME! *Hour and a half into the movie*...when does the fighting start? OH LOOK THERE THEY ARE! YES its all been building up to this geat epic...
  4. D

    How do you react when someone mispells or mispronounces your name?

    Well my names Pádraig. So yeah, it happens alot. I gave up on getting annoyed 6 years ago..
  5. D

    One sentence in your language

    Seo é mo Ghluisteán dearg. Irish FTW :D
  6. D

    Zombies: Are they real or am I losing my mind?

    Just do what any rational, level headed person would do. Go to a mall, wait 3 days for the military to come and kill the fun, and pass the time beating the crap out of insane survivors with increasingly strange personalities. Dont forget to snap some photos while screaming FANTASTIC. Works out...
  7. D

    Yay! I got my first Xbox Live hate message! I'm so touched...

    Oh lord yes. You never forget those. I was playing the Broken Bond against some German Guy, and i was disconnected(stupid modem shut itself off) So the guy sends not one, but SEVEN different voice messages. All like "I want a rematch, youre a noob, you fail at life" and so on, however, the last...
  8. D

    The greatest character theme music ever.

    Terras theme is fantastic, but come on! The evil sadist clowns theme isnt better?
  9. D

    the coolest word

    Bird! Because everyone knows that the bird is the word! A WELL A BIRD BIRD BI- I could go further, I choose not to
  10. D

    Characters so annoying that they almost ruined the game

    Vanille. FF13. Done. Over. 'Nuff said.
  11. D

    Stereotype yourself!

    Ohhh faith and beggorah me irish eyes sparklin with the glazed drunken tinge familiar to all us Irishmen. But shivver me shamrocks i do love me country oh so very well by the gingerness of me gingery ginger beard. umm... Potato!
  12. D

    Most annoying and or gruesome video game death.

    Well, annoying? My friends and i were playing LFD2, on that carnival level. one of my friends didnthave the cheevo for that gnome thing. So we decided to help. Long story short we got to the bridge,friend A got a tank after us, Friend B set fire to the thing, friend C ran the fuck away, and i...
  13. D

    Among your gaming friends, what are you known for?

    Im known as the one with the attention span of a gnat, who fills boredom by blowing team mates sky high or running them over,or kicking them from high places, or some combination of the 3. Not many of my friends will play Crackdown 2 with me anymore since i got the quackers..cant possibly think...
  14. D

    The greatest character theme music ever.

    And now I have a new cellphone ring. And.. Oh right right Cait siths theme! I gotcha ;D
  15. D

    The greatest character theme music ever.

    What do you think? Personaly, i think nothing can beat the almighty Kefka and his theme music!