Recent content by Danik93

  1. Danik93

    how to stay positive?

    Just listen to this... seriously it's impossible to not feel good when listening tho this song! <youtube=MjRnpV5TIaA>
  2. Danik93

    How is 9/11 viewed internationally?

    Anna Lindh got assassinated on 9/11 so that's one reason for us swedes to care.
  3. Danik93

    How much further can humans evolve?

    Yes! We are getting taller, more muscles, bigger breasts and are becoming more and more good looking in every generation. That's just whats happening on the outside. the inside is a different thing, there we are getting less and less resistant against diseases.
  4. Danik93

    Do you believe in ghosts or the paranormal?

    My door does th same thing it opens and closes on it's own. Because the backdraft opens it and when the door is open the backdraft changes and then the door close. It always freak out my friends the first time they get into my room!
  5. Danik93

    Meaning of life

    The meaning of life... Listening to electronic music! <youtube=Jp1lI4Qo07Q>
  6. Danik93

    So whatcha look like Escapists?

    Me serious photo Me not so serious (with hipster glasses)
  7. Danik93

    I have a challenge for YOU...

    <youtube=EOAcRKZxjy4> this one... if that don't make you cry I don't know what would.
  8. Danik93

    Sweden: Piracy Is Not A Religion

    no... Vikings did sacrifice humans. I do only know about one ritual there it happened tho... (The funeral of a chieftain)
  9. Danik93

    Sweden: Piracy Is Not A Religion

    What about this then... 52 d § Det är förbjudet att utan samtycke från upphovsmannen eller dennes rättsinnehavare kringgå en digital eller analog spärr som hindrar eller begränsar framställning av exemplar av ett upphovsrättsligt skyddat verk, kringgå en teknisk skyddsprocess, exempelvis...
  10. Danik93

    Sweden: Piracy Is Not A Religion

    That would never, ever happen in Sweden. You know why? Sweden is one of the least religious country in the world. if the government would pass anything remotely like that those politicians that supported it could kiss their career goodbye.
  11. Danik93

    Sweden: Piracy Is Not A Religion

    Excuse me? I don't think a regular Sunday service contains child molesting...
  12. Danik93

    Sweden: Piracy Is Not A Religion

    first off, piracy is and has been illegal since like the 90's and Sweden is in a copyright agreement with the majority of the western world so if I try to make an obvious TF2 ripoff valve can sue me, or just take the servers down or something in that fashion.
  13. Danik93

    Sweden: Piracy Is Not A Religion

    Well.... Piracy is Illegal and I assume the files they where copying were copyright protected. and a religion that is about something illegal should not be allowed. The same reason why practicing old norse rituals are illegal (atleast the ones with human sacrifice)
  14. Danik93

    What are questions you are sick of people asking?

    How tall are you? I mean I'm only 1.93 (6.3) that's not even that tall!
  15. Danik93

    What are your favorite free games?

    Bloodline Champoins, APB Realoded and Team Fortress 2 are 3 great games!