Recent content by darknessknight1000

  1. darknessknight1000

    Australian Attorney General Calls For Violent Videogame Ban

    "Poor Australians" Poor me, I live in Australia. I'm gonna suffer, if this gets through. Damn our government, damn them.
  2. darknessknight1000

    Final Fantasy XIII-2's Collector's Edition Revealed

    FF13 terrible, simply terrible. For me, if FF13 was another game with another name rather than of the FF franchise then I would consider it fairly good, but since its an FF game it didn't live up to its potential, crap characters like Hope and Sazch only Lightning was awesome. I'm not trying to...
  3. darknessknight1000

    Turn the Other Cheek

    I played God of War (My most adored game), Devil May Cry, WOW, Elder Scrolls, Final Fantasy Fallout 3, GTA ahhh well lets just say alot of games. I'm very Christian like, but come on seriously, it really pisses me off when some over hyped up Christian preaches how games are killing our children...
  4. darknessknight1000

    Bethesda Doesn't Enjoy Being "Forced" into Mojang Lawsuit

    "You Should have acted they're already here" "The Elder Scrolls (Scrolls) told of their return (Bethesda)" "For the time after oblivion (Minecraft)opened "There defeat was mereley a delay" "Then the sons of Skyrim (sandbox games) have spilled their own blood(money)" "But no-one wanted to...
  5. darknessknight1000

    Trailers: Soul Calibur V - Trailer

    I was disappointed with SC4, I really loved 2 & 3, but Namco stuffed up 4 the same way they stuffed up Tekken 6,too many useless characters. I just hope SC5 exceeds 4 in every way and hope namco give's proper stories to the characters not garabage we saw in S4 in which we fought about 2...
  6. darknessknight1000

    Square Enix Dusts Off Final Fantasy X for PS3 Remake

    I only hated FF13, if they redone any other FF game in HD graphics like FF12 I'm soooo there, BUT just thinking bout FF13 and 14 kills my hopes of square making another masterpiece like FF6,7,8,10 and 12.
  7. darknessknight1000

    Square Enix Dusts Off Final Fantasy X for PS3 Remake

    FF13-2 will KILL the FF franchise, but considering to release FF13-3 what are you thiking Square? FF13 was rubbish, making FF13-2 will be twice as rubbish as 13. Come on Square stop screwing around with us by making sleasy and pathetic FF games and finish versus 13 already. THEN work on a FF7...
  8. darknessknight1000

    Square Enix Dusts Off Final Fantasy X for PS3 Remake

    I would much rather see a remake of FF10, rather than play the crap licking game called "final fantasy 13". I waited for that game for a least 4 years, and ended up being a real downer. FF10 might have had goofy characters, Wakka anyone, but FF13 took the cake of being crap, useless characters...