Recent content by darksolgamer

  1. darksolgamer

    Surprise, Kojima's Next Game Could Be MGS5

    Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if this happened.
  2. darksolgamer

    Surprise, Kojima's Next Game Could Be MGS5

    Maybe remakes of Metal Gear 1 and 2?
  3. darksolgamer

    EA Unveils Cheat Sheet for E3

    I liked the surprise of not knowing better. But there isn't a lot of games on that list that interest me anyway, besides Crysis 2.
  4. darksolgamer

    New Indiana Jones Will Be an "Old Fashioned" Film

    Agreed, I never get tired of watching Indy punch out Nazis.
  5. darksolgamer

    What game did you never finish?

    I could almost never finish a Final Fantasy game. I've played IV, VI, VII, VIII, X, and XII, but I've only ever finished FFX. I think it's because I get bored of them or forget about them after a while, though they are good games.
  6. darksolgamer

    I'm bored, any good free MMORPGs out there?

    You could take a look at the GameFAQ list here like I did, I tried Fiesta on there, and it was actually decent, but I only played it for about 2 months.
  7. darksolgamer

    Sonic's Chance at Redemption (Sort of)

    It'll finally give me a chance to play it, seeing how I never owned a Dreamcast.
  8. darksolgamer

    Kojima: Next Metal Gear is Like Pokémon

    A wild CARDBOARD BOX appeared! What will SNAKE do?
  9. darksolgamer

    What makes a videogame scary?

    IMO Resident Evil's Nemesis was the pinnacle of this formula, even though you could temporarily put him out of commission if you were good.
  10. darksolgamer

    Music in Games

    Good to see someone else enjoyed Morrowind's music, even though there wasn't a lot of tracks... Also, I hated cliffracers.
  11. darksolgamer

    What makes a videogame scary?

    True. Games like Condemned and Silent Hill have this, building up tension by making noises, playing tricks on you, giving them a powerful atmosphere. That's what makes them scary.
  12. darksolgamer

    Music in Games

    Another thing, I find the Silent Hill series to have a good soundtrack. It's very atmospheric.
  13. darksolgamer

    Poll: Camping In Online Games.

    True, but knowing is half the battle =)
  14. darksolgamer

    Poll: Camping In Online Games.

    I don't encounter it all the time, so it doesn't annoy me too much, and most of the time there are ways to counter it. If you're defending a particular area, then I say it's a legitimate strategy. Games like Unreal Tournament are a good example of mechanics preventing camping. If you stay in...