Recent content by Deadcyde

  1. Deadcyde

    Sunset Overdrive

    yep, people must be jaw draggingly forehead slappingly stupid to enjoy some game that has no real depth. Ignore games for enjoyment, they must be art! You didn't come off as smug at all there guys. Not one bit. /s
  2. Deadcyde

    Jimquisition: The 100% Objective Review

    So reviews can't have constructive criticism without personal bias? Yeah okay Jim. You know exactly that GGers wanted reviews not pushing a personal bias when it had no bearing on the game, yet you chose to insult them and straw man the objective review or impartial review. So there you...
  3. Deadcyde

    Jimquisition: Stupid Sexy Bayonetta

    I feel like i should ask why that matters if she's a fictional character.
  4. Deadcyde

    Jimquisition: Stupid Sexy Bayonetta

    You mean people are trying to argue on some ridiculous level that these critics imposed on the first place. Fictional character remember. White knight for bayonetta? Hardly. More like remind people that this is a game and to stop getting retard strong about it. But nice attack there. Not...
  5. Deadcyde

    Jimquisition: Stupid Sexy Bayonetta

    I think you're both missing the point of fictional characters for one. And secondly that this exaggeration of unreal ideals is intentional to push the point that she's FICTIONAL! It's not meant to be an accurate representation of women. Which funnily enough I didn't think Nikki Minaj was...
  6. Deadcyde

    Jimquisition: Stupid Sexy Bayonetta

    Bayonetta escaping the uncanny valley. Insert crevice jokes and bam.. bayonetta 3. To be far i think it's more the fact that she's a fictional character is why she doesn't do it for me. But to be fair, aren't all fantasies fictional?
  7. Deadcyde

    Jimquisition: Stupid Sexy Bayonetta

    Funny, when i see something using the moniker "gaming" i expect it to be about gaming.. Not social commentary that is relative as fuck. Guess that's too much to ask? Also, Bayonettas creator is a woman. But why does that even matter. She is a fictional character. Not an analogy for a real...
  8. Deadcyde

    You don't have to be afraid of taking a public stance against #GamerGate.

    Have you seen the reviews though? They're attacking bayonetta over sexism, barely reviewing the game. Why on earth would you allow someone to basically smear you and ignore any artistic ideal or even the word of the developers themselves simply to attack nintendo? They want to write opinion...
  9. Deadcyde

    You don't have to be afraid of taking a public stance against #GamerGate.

    We're going to argue the semantics of organization now? Okay, there is a bunch of people -actively working together to undermine gamergate-. There are as many forum dedicated to anti GG as there are GG An organization or organisation is an entity, such as an institution or an association...
  10. Deadcyde

    You don't have to be afraid of taking a public stance against #GamerGate.

    Well i'd believe that if there wasn't as much harassment, group think and targeted attacks.
  11. Deadcyde

    Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel's "Bogan Shotgun" is The Most Australian Joke Ever

    The funny thing is, this boganella shotgun... is how the entire world perceives Australians. Foul mouthed rednecks (though generally with a dash of alcoholic racism. Like real bogans.) We are what most of us Australians consider bogans, to the rest of the world. Let me repeat that, as far as the...
  12. Deadcyde

    You don't have to be afraid of taking a public stance against #GamerGate.

    I think it's a bit weak that GG is the one copping all the "stop being jerks" nonsense or the "i can't side with GG they're too malign for me" when it's been rife on both sides. False flags, outright lies, harassment, doxxing, ddos; boh side are equally as guilty of this yet for some reason all...
  13. Deadcyde

    You don't have to be afraid of taking a public stance against #GamerGate.

    I'm pretty sure that most of the what ifs are completely interchangeable between GG and Anti GG. It's become so that more people are concerned with pushing some agenda on something they only passingly care about as if it actually has an effect on something they do care about. And yes, i mean...
  14. Deadcyde

    are you people fucking serious!

    Well, considering gamergate and gamer is dead have more kneejerkers then a french dancing troupe. I'm not at all surprised that obscure references are being tied with the gamergate/isdead issue by another person knee jerk reacting. OT: Why is it you're angry about ZQ when that Christopher...
  15. Deadcyde

    Microsoft Defends Xbox One Parity Clause: "Xbox Owners Should Feel First-Class"

    Here's how it strikes me. Indie dev doesn't have enough money to bring out on xbox and other platforms at same time? Guess they're gonna go with the safest option (generally PC). Game takes off, suddenly everyone wants a piece of this game. Except xbox because you hurt their feelings...