Recent content by deal

  1. D

    TF2 players, what class do you use the most?

    Spy, Engineer, and Medic in that order. The heavy's a distant 4th, the sniper dead last, the rest about the same as each other.
  2. D

    Poll: UK Citizenship Quiz

    Failed; Non UK. 10 out of 24.
  3. D

    Poll: Are you an achievement/trophy whore?

    No. For me it sucks the fun out of the game to do all the pointless work necessary to get them.
  4. D

    Take the "Which Doctor Who Villain Are You?" Personality Quiz

    The silence; awsome.
  5. D

    What Was Your First Gaming System

    An 'APF Tv Fun' (Pong + some shooting games; all preloaded)
  6. D

    what are your "unpopular" opinions on gaming?

    The vast majority of FPS that came after the PS1 era are bland, boring, and nearly indiscriminate from one another. Halo is good but, over rated I don't know if this one is aimed at my fellow gamers or game manufacturers (i'm guessing the second); but, I'd rather play a crappy game with my...
  7. D

    In your opinion, what was the worst game you ever played?

    the sims. People actually like this game? A blank screen would have been more enthralling. to each their own, I guess.
  8. D

    Era's of the home consoles.

    Just out of curiosity, I was woundering what people think are the era's of home video game console. I'd have to say: 1) the preloded era. (such as the APF TV fun which came preloaded with a few pong like games and a few shoot the square games) 2) the cartridge era. (Atari 2600, NES, super...
  9. D

    Poll: Arming the UK Police

    How about this: allow your police to carry weapons in their cars; that way they wouldn't have to wait a half hour or more if they need to use them. The guns could be hidden and locked up.
  10. D

    Poll: What's the state of your Forum Health Meter?

    Still at zero. If I post enough times that will change.
  11. D

    Poll: So, how do you like your steak?

    Medium Rare.
  12. D

    What is the most awesome spaceship in games/film?

    The shadow vessels, they look like giant spiders, with too many legs, that you can't see until it is right in your face. I'm a little surprised nobody said Talon from Farscape yet. It's a paranoid living gunship.
  13. D

    Poll: The escapist crowd's favorite gaming device

    The DS, allot of really good games on it.
  14. D

    Poll: Favorite Team Fortress 2 Class?

    Engineer followed by Medic, Spy, and Pyro.
  15. D

    What Dungeons & Dragons Character Class Are You?

    Apparently i'm a Rogue.