Recent content by Deku-Miguel

  1. D

    What is the weirdest thing from Japan?

    I must say either the vending machines that dispense used panties, or the toliet that you need a college degree to understand
  2. D

    If you could steal one character's signature move...

    a few words: PK STAR-STORM!!!
  3. D

    The Superpower Thread... WITH A TWIST!!!

    the power, to read anyones hand writing
  4. D

    YOUR Zombie Apocalypse Survivors: Wikipedia Edition

    Rob Ryan (the businessman), William Alexander the 1st of Earl of Stirling, and Domenico Ferrata, at the Siguacán River, I'm gonna die soon
  5. D

    California Police Issue Safety Warning About Pedobear

    I'm from California, and once again, the people here are being dumb asses
  6. D

    Gaming Landscapes Quiz: The Return

    most likely, what with people getting 100% in 0:00 on most of these quizes
  7. D

    Unskippable: Epic Mickey

    I really want to see it, but my damn computer HATES streams. dosen't even mater where it is, Ustream, Justin TV, it just dosen't like them. They make my computer all slow-y down-y, but I can still watch the not live version of it when it comes out, so I'm happpy!
  8. D

    Poll: Mr. Rogers is Evil Apparently, Says Fox and Friends

    Mr. Rogers is awsome, I grew up with him and I loved him, their is no way that he's evil. Not to mention that he won the ultimate battle of ultimite destiny.
  9. D

    Doomsday Arcade: Episode 25: Series Finale

    wow that was completly epic
  10. D

    Doomsday Arcade: Episode 21

    yay, paul and yathzee cameos
  11. D

    Video Game Music

    of all the games that I've played, the best music has been in the legend of zelda/metroid games, but a lot of the music above me is really good as well.
  12. D

    Is there a _________ where you live?

    Yes it's preety nice, but just used books, but the books are still great. Is there a Fry's Electronics store near where you live?
  13. D

    It's dangerous to go alone, take this

    it's dangerous to go alone, take this game genie! "Insert picture of game genie, because I still don't know how to put pictures on posts"
  14. D

    Your Avatar vs Above Avatar?

    ha ha nothing can defeat the triforce! What's that? the triforce is an inaminate object only for a religion in a virtual game, well what can it do by itself? Imbue others with magic, but theres no one else in the picture to imbue with power/wisdom/courage! is their anything it can do on its...
  15. D

    Kill the above users avatar with....

    i spam you with crappy posts about stuff completly unrelated to the topic, driving you to insanity. a QTE