Recent content by DementedSheep

  1. DementedSheep

    Poll: If there was an alternative to Steam, would you use it?

    Yes? it's not like you can only buy and play games from one. I'll use which ever one is selling the game I want the cheapest.
  2. DementedSheep

    Poll: An unlocked car is stolen, who is to blame?

    I always find breaking these questions down into a percentage odd. A thief who steals an unlocked car isn't any less responsible for their actions than one who steals a locked and alarmed car and it makes no difference to how the crime should be viewed or the punishment for it. However that...
  3. DementedSheep

    XCOM 2 is the humble monthly!

    Probably late to the party but for anyone who didn't know Xcom 2 is the game offered for the feb humble monthly. Sure the hidden games in the bundle are likely to be games you don't particularly want but since Xcom 2 is worth far more than $12 on it's own they are just a bonus. There is nothing...
  4. DementedSheep

    Poll: This site has too many subforums.

    I think they added it because the BSN is shutting down.
  5. DementedSheep

    Poll: Would you rather play terrible, but functional game, or good but but buggy/glitchy game?

    Actually working is part of being a "good" game. Though to answer the question I would rather play a game with bugs that is interesting (especially since I can usually fix or work around buggy games with simple INI tweaks, console commands or fan patches) when its working than one that is always...
  6. DementedSheep

    Poll: Justified Extermination

    Only in fiction, where always evil is a thing. I'm not into WoW so don't know that much of the lore but from what I played of them I would not class the Forsaken as a race. They're cursed members of another race. If you had some Forsaken just minding their own business somewhere making the...
  7. DementedSheep

    Yesterday I saw Suicide Squad...and it was Good...[MAJOR SPOILERS]

    I found it...meh. The only characters I gave any amount of fucks for were Dead Shot and El Diablo (and the later largely just because of the sad backstory). Most of the characters feel pointless. If Katana, Captain boomerang and Killer Croc weren't there would it have changed anything? unlike...
  8. DementedSheep

    A question for artists: what digital software should I get?

    I like Mischief and Manga Studio. Mischeif is a lightweight and easy to use program. It replicates the feel of paper sketching very well with no fuss and has infinite zoom and canvas so it works great for freeform sketching and concept work. That it's lightweight and easy to use is something I...
  9. DementedSheep

    What's The Difference Between Creepy and Romantic?

    That and it's different when its a movie or book because it isn't real and it doesn't reflect what the person would actually like in real life, something most on this site will scream to the high heavens if it's about questionable themes they like. I hate rom coms and that is part of the...
  10. DementedSheep

    RPG Combat, what do you want?

    The problem with the term "RPG" is that it doesn't really describe combat to me aside from having different builds/playstyles and a leveling system. I would like some more tactical party based RPGs (especially since bioware has been droping the ball with that) but I don't want only party...
  11. DementedSheep

    The worst video game ending ever

    Fallout 3 prior to the DLC. Dreamfall, wasn't too happy with this game overall but that ending just pissed me off. It's ok to have some loose threads for sequel baiting but it didn't solve much and left every character in dire straits. Heh, I actually loved that ending.
  12. DementedSheep

    What's keeping the West from making DOAX style games?

    That was my point and why I was asking you. You were the one who implied it doesn't by responding to me saying their is no reason for people to bother paying for a serrate titty game in the west by saying people want to be teased.
  13. DementedSheep

    What's keeping the West from making DOAX style games?

    Because western media doesn't do teasing? did you miss the fact that I wasn't only talking about full on porn?
  14. DementedSheep

    Wonder Woman and Jusitce League official movie trailer

    Aquaman just seems weird to me. Serious is fine, I just don't associate him him being so bad tempered and knocking back booze. However I fully admit I don't and have never read Aquaman.
  15. DementedSheep

    What's keeping the West from making DOAX style games?

    Why would you need to buy a separate titty game when you have mountains of free porn and have softcore wank bait shoved into everything anyway?