Recent content by demon lord 2037

  1. demon lord 2037

    most hardest game you played

    I'd have to say pong cause the longer you play the harder it gets
  2. demon lord 2037

    Die Franchise Die!

    sonic and the fifa games.
  3. demon lord 2037

    Favorite NES Game.

    I would have to say that I'm torn between the megaman and mario bros. series.
  4. demon lord 2037

    An M rated Zelda game, could it work?

    Sure, I mean its possible to make zelda a m rated game....... All you would need to do is add (h) all of the above. Also more peopl might like zelda more if it had more blood and gore.
  5. demon lord 2037

    fastest time?

    I was wondering what the fastest time it took anyone out there to beat any game. Mine was about 30 minutes max.
  6. demon lord 2037

    Poll: I have decided, I HATE MOTION CONTROLLERS! THEY SUCK!!!!

    I hate the motion sensor controllers personolly. I think that they're overrated and are given to much credit.
  7. demon lord 2037

    Poll: Halo 4 poll

    It would give people something to do instead of being bored.
  8. demon lord 2037

    Poll: Should I even bother playing Fable 2?

    I would have to say no but maybe at some other time because almost everyone says they have problems with it.
  9. demon lord 2037

    Poll: Resistance

    I prefer both. I have played demos for resistance 2 and it seems pretty sweet.
  10. demon lord 2037

    Poll: Did Sega fail Sonic or vice-versa?

    I believe that sega has really let sonic down by adding so many side characters snd different story lines.They just couldn't leave the original few alone and go about their buisness but no.
  11. demon lord 2037

    Corrupted Ps3 HardDrive. Anyone else Here Had this problem?

    I had this problem when I got a ps3 so I just took it back to where I bought it and they gave me a new one.
  12. demon lord 2037


    I was wondering is it me or is all of the major releases having major glitching problems? For example I heard saints row 2 has had freezing promblems and glitches that make the game almost unplayable,and also guitar hero world tour has had freezing problems and I tried to get it and when I did...
  13. demon lord 2037

    midnight club L.A.

    I was wondering if anyone has played the nw midnight club and if so ?I was wondering how good it was
  14. demon lord 2037

    How to make Sonic games better

    I'd have to say stick with the very first characters and just make new worlds and keep all of the original actors/speakers for the series
  15. demon lord 2037

    good or really awsome games

    k how about for ps2 and the 360