Recent content by Denari

  1. D

    For the older gamers (10+ years of gaming), what is your GOTD (game of the decade)?

    For me it's a tie between Shadow of Colossus and Persona 3 FES.
  2. D

    Who is the best fictional battle droid?

    Johnny 5 seems so practical. Until you see this: LOL. Johnny 5. So practical until he reaches those stairs. DAMN YOU STAIRS!!!
  3. D

    The most moving scene in a game? (Major Spoilers)

    The scene that is the most moving to me has to be: [/spoiler]
  4. D

    HDMI Cable Debate: Does price really dictate quality?

    There really is no difference between "high" quality name brands and no name brands. It's probably you're TV or something. I personally got a 6 ft HDMI cable for like $1.50 thanks to a friend with connections to Chinese markets.
  5. D

    I'm a fairly conservative guy, but I am still flabergasted by people who think gay is a choice

    The only response I have to this thread is this: If homosexuality is a choice, then does it not stand to reason that heterosexuality is also a choice? Because when choosing one, are you not rejecting the other? So then the real question here is not whether or not homosexuality is a choice...
  6. D

    Poll: What is the Big Deal With Bloody Shakespeare?!?!

    Shakespeare invented the word "assassinate" and no one has invented a cooler word for killing people since. Shakespeare FTW.