Recent content by Desgardes

  1. Desgardes

    Have you ever won a 'supposed to lose fight'?

    My favorite one was the Genkai v. Younger Toguro in Dark Tournament. That was hard, especially on dark tournament +. But, I did it, after a couple dozen times at least, and all I got was a little blurb saying Genkai couldn't go on and died. And you get nothing for it. Seemed like an awesome...
  2. Desgardes

    Artist Turns All 493 Pokemon Into Cosplaying Girls

    -double post- My bad.
  3. Desgardes

    Artist Turns All 493 Pokemon Into Cosplaying Girls

    Whoever drew it is missing a few. From 243-247. But, that's not a lot, I just wanted to know what those legendaries would look like, and noticed it.
  4. Desgardes

    Can you really consider someone in a powersuit badass?

    OH GOD, I can never look at these threads. Because God of War always comes up, and I always look at that and think, OH, Tales of Symphonia, but no. And to make it worse, Kratos /was/ a total badass in that game, but I just can't remember that people obviously didn't like Tales of Symphonia as...
  5. Desgardes

    Holy shit bonkers.

    I really wish you were just surprised to have seen someone dressing as Bonkers on the street. A little more topically, I'd probably go.. Damn, Mass Effect probably has the highest standard of living, so I'd go there and just chill, maybe stay away from humanity since they seem to be getting up...
  6. Desgardes

    In-Game Ads Are Effective, So Get Ready For More

    That's devious. As long as they keep it subliminal, or at least off the radar, I'm fine with it, though. If they start doing the Wayne's World sort of advertising, where it affects the game, I might be more inclined to burn it. of course, I don't play sports games, so nyeh.
  7. Desgardes

    I messed up! (relationship thread)

    It's a very foolish outlook to refuse to change. I guess you can take solace in the fact that we've passed the time where that trait would kill you outright. A little more on topic, I think that there is a way to salvage it, but you'd probably want to approach a little more temperately. Can...
  8. Desgardes

    Poll: Would you eat someone?

    And I absolutely have to wait until it's a survivor situation? I guess, then.
  9. Desgardes

    Poll: Fallout: New Vegas Hardcore Mode. Are You Going To Play It?

    So I wouldn't be able to give myself the mysterious stranger's 44 and 10000 44 rounds, then paint the world red? But, in all honesty, if you can't wait, there's a mod for that.
  10. Desgardes

    Poll: Gay Main Character

    Eh, does it matter if they're gay? As long a they're suitably heroic then no one should mind playing them. There are lots of ways you can play it where that would be a good puzzle answer. I guess why do you assume anyone who does not have a sexual preference be straight? I mean, considering...
  11. Desgardes


    Against this most savage of foes, there are only 4 options. 1 and 2 you used, flee and tactical ambush. 3 involves burning down your entire house, and when it is escaping the flames, let loose with a strong burst of artillery. 4 is possibly the most heinous of all. Find where the wasp lives as...
  12. Desgardes


    The whole point Christopher Nolan was making there was that at that point, we can't know whether he got out of limbo or not. But, does it really matter? In one, he's happy ending, in the other, it's the sort of horrible horrible coma that he'll eventually wake from and then probably blow his...
  13. Desgardes

    if you could learn one fictional martial art attack

    Soul Crushing STrike from The Breaker comic. OH MAN. The lightning steps would be cool, and I'd take the whole Black Heaven & Earth school if possible. But, even for that one 'splosion fist.
  14. Desgardes

    Poll: If you had the power to change the world....

    There is a song here that seems apropos: tl;dw There's no way we can adequately determine what we'd do with such monumental power. We can say whatever we want when we don't have it. I would probably only look out for me and mine, and...
  15. Desgardes

    So, I'm dating my cousin now... Yeah...

    Actually, it has not really be appreciably thought out in the slightest, if you read up on it yesterday. It's been about what the family will think the entire time, with only the slight step forward of actually approaching the cousin.