Recent content by DestinyDriven

  1. DestinyDriven

    Unlikeable Lead characters

    So much hate for Nathan Drake and Alex Mercer.... O___O Maybe it's just the females that like them, because I totally love them. <3 Also, seeing other people say how they don't like certain characters makes me Baww because I like them. I don't really think I seriously have anything...
  2. DestinyDriven

    Poll: Will we ever need a new generation of consoles at all? [NOT a "NOW" question]

    Why should there be no motivation to try to make consoles the best they can possibly be? Tech is always improving. I think it is sometimes is cheaper to have a console. I still have my original 360, hasn't broken down yet, and I bought it only a few months (maybe 3 or 4) after the original...
  3. DestinyDriven

    So, it appears I have pre-ordered Darksouls

    Lol. I like the fact that you seem to be more interested in what this game is about rather than the fact that you have no recollection of ever buying it.
  4. DestinyDriven

    Accents you find attractive

    While I do like accents, I don't really have any accents that I specifically find attractive. For me, it is more to do with the tone voice a guy has, not their accent.
  5. DestinyDriven

    Game With the Best Story? (For school assignment)

    zHellas, I hope you listen to these types of posts. They have VERY good points to help you make your assignment the best you can possibly do. Really good advice. Good luck! I would really love to do an assignment on video games lol *nerd mode* Thinking about creativity, I think Portal/2 are...
  6. DestinyDriven

    Game With the Best Story? (For school assignment)

    Actually, yeah. You have a very good point. There is a huge fallacy in saying "the best example being ______" since you really can't say that. There is no "best", you can't just pinpoint one. That's like trying to say "the best movie story is ______". There are many, and every person will have a...
  7. DestinyDriven

    Game With the Best Story? (For school assignment)

    Assassin's Creed, and anything by BioWare (Jade Empire, Mass Effect, like you said and Dragon Age: Origins) I think are good examples. I hear Heavy Rain is good, I haven't had the chance to play it yet though so I can't confirm if it has a really good story. I hear Alan Wake has a good story too.
  8. DestinyDriven

    Your first 'bad' game

    The Avatar game... OK, so I actually don't know if it was a legitimately bad game (although it IS a movie game), but the camera p*ssed me off so much that I didn't get very far at all. I just thought "screw this".
  9. DestinyDriven

    Poll: Be honest, do you actually treat girl gamers the same online? (Minor update)

    Daww. XD Every girl loves a knight. You keep being nice. Seriously. Girls don't like being treated like crap because they are girls. It makes gaming online almost impossible for many of us. That is why I will NEVER game online. Which really isn't fair considering the amount of online gaming...
  10. DestinyDriven

    Poll: The a blood on/off option be available in violent games

    It changes the point of the game. which is to be very, very GORY to the point of making you feel a certain way. Uncomfortable. Disgusted. It is in no way scary without it, rendering it not either a horror or a gore game. That changes a lot. By changing these things to tone down the gore...
  11. DestinyDriven

    Poll: The a blood on/off option be available in violent games

    I am not being narrow minded. I am being truthful. Dead space is meant to be gory. Making an option for it to not be what it is intended to be the whole time is just stupid. It's not something like Mass Effect where the gore doesn't effect the plot, atmosphere, scenes etc in any way. Because in...
  12. DestinyDriven

    Poll: The a blood on/off option be available in violent games

    You just don't get it. Dead Space a sci- fi horror/action game that bases it's scares on EXTREME GORE. Taking the gore away will just leave it to be an sci-fi action game (and a poorly done one since it isn't meant to be that in the first place). Dead Space is not a fighting game. A fighting...
  13. DestinyDriven

    Poll: The a blood on/off option be available in violent games

    You or him are NOT being discriminated against by not having this option in certain horror, gore oriented games. What I am saying is that, if you decide to take out something so big in a game, where the gore aspect uses such tactics TO CAUSE TENSION, STRESS, HORROR, DISGUST, SHOCK AND FEAR ALL...
  14. DestinyDriven

    Poll: What are you looking for in life?

    Freedom, Happiness and Love.
  15. DestinyDriven

    Poll: The a blood on/off option be available in violent games

    And the gameplay's intentionally gory. "strategic Dismemberment".