Recent content by DeVoyd

  1. D

    Teach Me: Why is Gambit so awesome?

    Gambit is probably one of my least liked. Of course, I'm on the side that has wolverine as a favourite, so I can't really talk. Deadpool is another great character, it's going to be good to have him in Wolverine film, and played by Ryan Reynolds.
  2. D

    Poll: Lego

    I love Lego - hit the legoland windsor park at least once a year. I buy lego for myself and my daughter when there. I have Lego Darth Maul, and the minis of snowspeeder and AT-ST on my monitor at work. Most of my Lego was in Ireland, so went to my nephews. I loved making big wheeled vehicles...
  3. D

    And down goes the PS3...

    That is some serious bad luck. The closest I get to that is my PC frying my video card 3 times - always under warranty, so got new ones from the manufacturer. However, my mobo was supposed to be able to supply 2 types of voltage, it was set at 1.5 (correct for the card) but I figured it was...
  4. D

    I'm so bored of LBP

    Do you mean the mushroom or the horse level? There's one in the horse level hanging from a tree that took a while to get to, I had to jump off the horse on the way down the hill, and collect a few up top of a tree, then fall and grab my way to the last bubble, which is kind of just above the end...
  5. D

    I'm so bored of LBP

    LBP = LittleBigPlanet I've lost count of the hours I've been playing this, and I've not finished the story mode, nor have I been creating levels yet. Granted I play it mostly with my 4 year old daughter, and her amusement is infectious, which means a lot of replaying levels. That said, I am...
  6. D

    You are banned? "But whhyyyyy!"

    Banned from pubs and clubs, but went back the next day anyway. Not been banned in game or forums. I keep forgetting to hit the post button and all the crap I write gets lost as I navigate away.
  7. D

    If you could choose 1 game to be wiped from history forever... What would it be?

    Let's nip this shit in the bud, and ditch Pong.
  8. D

    Out of curiousity: what was the most addicting game you ever played...

    I generally killed all my spare time growing up with games, wouldn't ever say I was addicted until Final Fantasy VII though. After that, Baldur's Gate, this one caused a bit of a row with the g/f, but we got past that (2nd computer, 2nd copy of BG), but wow has probably been the biggest...
  9. D

    Can the PS3 Survive?

    oh, here goes a piece of my soul. damn my weakness for posting. PS3 has sold 13million units, xbox 360 19million. I'd say both have healthy markets for their games. In fact most of the games are coming to both, the exclusives on each are no real surprises. And you left out Buzz! Quiz TV...
  10. D

    Games you wish you HADN'T bought...

    Warhammer 40K: Fire Warrior. Turns out I just cannot identify with the TAU. Pirates of the Caribbean, looked good and sounded good, but wasn't really compelling enough for me to even break out of prison. World of Warcraft, but only because it is a massive time-sink and I now have stacks of...
  11. D

    why can't we be friends?

    I am probably a fanboy of a particular console. I recommend it to my friends, and have probably influenced at least 4 purchases of said console. If someone buys a different console I don't ridicule them, because other people aren't necessarily looking for the same thing as me from their console...
  12. D

    Film Study

    I have a hard time with best film. Actor: Gary Oldman Actress: Cate Blanchett Scene: have trouble with this as well. Director: Ridley Scott
  13. D

    Missed Gems, Great films (and games) that have been largely passed over

    I am a fan of foreign film. La Haine, Le Hussard sur le toit, and Le Grand Bleu all great french films. One of the main reasons I like foreign film is that they are often tragedies rather than happy-ending hollywood gloss. Old Boy, Hard Boiled, Infernal Affairs, lots of Hong Kong cinema that do...
  14. D

    15 Things i learned from videogames (1985-95)

    You can't trust the kilrathi or any of your wingmen, but you never learn (wing commander series) Rubber Chickens and Pulleys are vital, keep them with you at all times (Monkey Island series)
  15. D

    Your funeral song?

    10,000 Days - Tool.