Recent content by Dietz

  1. D

    What's the opposite of a SJW?

    Or, what people used to call a classic liberal. Free speech above all, and would tell the speech police SJWs to go pound sand.
  2. D

    What PC sandbox games allow players to create and evil empire or destroy the world?

    No, people don't let other people play Eve. Best way to win at that game is to not subscribe in the first place. Or go buy a copy of MS Excel, as you will need it eventually. I think mine is going on ten years old at this point. :p
  3. D

    What PC sandbox games allow players to create and evil empire or destroy the world?

    Cities: Skylines will not only let you build your own little kingdom (city, really, but you get the idea), it will also let you raze it to the ground, if you so desire.
  4. D

    Recommend A Game That Was Released In The Last 2 Years...

    Diablo III, specifically and especially with, the 2014 expansion Reaper of Souls.
  5. D

    what are the worst pvp maps that everybody played on all the time?

    Not to date myself, but the dustbowl from TFC. Or 2fort. Both were grossly overplayed, and I hated both of them. I wasn't very fond of well, either, but that might be because I was a Soldier specialist, and that map had too much room for medic conc jumping.
  6. D

    What's Your Most Recent Purchase?

    Geforce GTX 970, to replace an ATI HD 5970 that has been acting funny.