Recent content by Dinosorcerer

  1. Dinosorcerer

    Cersei Lannister and the Shallow Politics of Game of Thrones

    I'll be honest, I quite liked the fourth book, never really understood why almost everyone else never seemed to. granted, when I was reading A Feast for Crows, A Dance With Dragons had already been released, so that may have something to do with my more rosy perception.
  2. Dinosorcerer

    Robert Rodriguez's Latest Film Won't Be Released for '100 Years'

    This project seems ass-backwards. old-school film projectors aren't terribly hard to come by now, but in 100 years? that's to say nothing of where this movie is even being kept. In all seriousness though, who is going to see this? may I interest you people in Birth of a Nation? that was released...
  3. Dinosorcerer

    Sony Cancels The Interview Over Hacking Threat - Update

    usually I don't mind hackers. but these guys are assholes. just casually stirring up shit like that. worst part is, they probably wouldn't have done anything anyway. their probably laughing to themselves right now. what awful people
  4. Dinosorcerer

    How Stephen Colbert Saved America

    but the media's treatment of her was also satirized by the likes of Stewart and Colbert. to my knowlege, the more that rational people found out about her, the less they liked her. one of the main reasons behind why McCain lost was due to the fact that if his health were to fail (very likely...
  5. Dinosorcerer

    How Stephen Colbert Saved America

    for all the talk of Colbert "destroying" fox news, I still know an unsettling number of people who solely rely on fox for news. I wish Stephen Colbert could destroy fox news by holding a mirror up to it and watching it turn to stone like a proverbial medusa with O'Reilly's face. but that just...
  6. Dinosorcerer

    Legend of Korra: What Happened to Korra and Who Is Kuvira?

    Is it just me, or does Kuvira's army look like a fascist organization. the uncomfortable way they prey on people's fears to get supporters, the military dress that the pie-throwers were wearing in Republic City, and, for the love of shit, we get a quick shot of her soldiers wearing what amount...
  7. Dinosorcerer

    Ubisoft Adds Much Requested Customization to Assassin's Creed Unity

    Yeah, but can't they get people to at least speak them in a french accent? because it's just going to be various British voice-actors butchering the pronunciation of just everything. if you need proof, just look to the point in the video where this guy is calling out Robespierre. It's going to...
  8. Dinosorcerer

    Ubisoft Adds Much Requested Customization to Assassin's Creed Unity

    I said it before, but I'll say it again. How hard is it for a French-based games developer to get french voice-actors?
  9. Dinosorcerer

    Parents in China Sold Their Children for Video Games

    Yeah, this happened over the iphone some time ago. I think critical miss covered it.
  10. Dinosorcerer

    Win A Destiny Beta Code In This Damn Dirty Apes Cosplay Gallery

    picture 9. "ain't no party like a planet of the apes party. 'cuz at a planet of the apes party everyone realizes that their all dicks.
  11. Dinosorcerer

    RocketSkates Kickstarter Blasts Past Funding Goal in 24 Hours

    Watching the video, it occurred to me that the way the throttle is controlled is pretty stupid. going forward by leaning back would only cause you to lose balance because you're going to be pushed backwards with your body's inertia (your body is like a lever with its fulcrum at your center of...
  12. Dinosorcerer

    Ubisoft: Straighter. Whiter. Duder.

    they already had a female model in aveline though. and she didn't just appear on the Vita, she was part of a DLC for Black Flag. the could have used her animations for at least one of the characters
  13. Dinosorcerer

    Here's What Game of Thrones' Map Would Look Like If It Was Based in America

    I would put Harrenhall in chicago for the Sears tower. Winterfell in Denver or Minneaplis. I was honestly expecting LA to be Casterly rock. Highgarden in the middle of a desert, really?
  14. Dinosorcerer

    Ancient Ocean May Have Existed on Pluto's Moon Charon

    there probably is life somewhere out there, the universe is too mind-bendingly vast not to contain other forms of life, but they may not be in forms we can recognize or even communicate with. the other problem is that, given that our galaxy on its own is still mind-bendingly vast, popular...
  15. Dinosorcerer

    Busting the Myth of Nazi Super-Science

    i kind of got the vibe that only deathshead and a few other scientists were allowed to experiment with this science while the rest of the population was kept under check. even if that's true though, it still doesn't fix the ethical qualms with the game saying that abandoning ethics works