Recent content by DireOwl

  1. DireOwl

    Return Of Kings celebrate 'making The Force Awakens lose $4.2 mil'

    This whole thing is weird. They are just assuming that everyone who read their article was convinced to not see the movie? I read their article and still saw the movie. I don't agree with their conclusion. Besides this article and a single chan troll on twitter (which the media was all to...
  2. DireOwl

    So Anita Sarkeesian and the ME3 ending are drowning in a whirlpool...

    Anita. People over pixels any day. If the ending was made sentient that would indeed be a tougher choice. Anita does tend to lie. She takes her opinions which have no scientific basis and supports them as if they were fact. She is allowed to do this however and it's up to her viewers to...