Recent content by DM Gray

  1. DM Gray

    Is it time for feminists to step off our hobby?

    I provided yo with a great deal of context and said your willful ignorance makes you a bad feminist. It does. Just wait a year or two, and you'll have magically evolved; it's coming and you'll pretend to have been totally cool with it all along. Where did I say conspiracy. I said troll. A...
  2. DM Gray

    Editor's Note: Why I Still Call Myself a Gamer

    I posted in that thread to agree with a feminist #gamergate poster that feminists absoluitely have a place in gaming and a right to be heard, and state my own opposition to feminism with an explanation. My point was a right to be heard should never become a right not to be criticised, which is...
  3. DM Gray

    The Fast Track To Internet Infamy

    That's not happening though. Especially not by the majority of those pretending to be moderates while entirely dismissing/undermining and condescending those opposed to their view. According to these people the accusations of misogyny and complete suppression of different opinions constitutes...
  4. DM Gray

    Is it time for feminists to step off our hobby?

    You are seriously going yo deny misandry? WHen the loudest voices with the most support are people *constantly* demonising men while saying "not all men" (which became a hashtag to mock complaints about the misandric rhetoric) Misandry doesn't even register on spellcheck. Why? Because of...
  5. DM Gray

    The Fast Track To Internet Infamy

    I cant believe that people telling others they are progressive or care about inclusion can find NK's last few posts offensive. Japanese women made a game for themselves. Western women decided it as sexist. That PROVES that a small minority of western women are just TRYING to be offended by...
  6. DM Gray

    Is it time for feminists to step off our hobby?

    I'm an antifeminist (because of the rampant misandry; I'm well aware individual feminists can be stellar people, and I absolutely support women's rights) but I am 100% in agreement with Loki_The_Good. Feminists are entitled to their opinions, and their input is valued (even when I disagree)...