Recent content by doctorsilly

  1. doctorsilly

    Who is your favourite video game character?

    Rucks, because his voice is sexier than intercourse.
  2. doctorsilly

    Your closet to come out of

    Being atheist. Would not be a problem if my parents weren't both pentecostal preachers.
  3. doctorsilly

    You now have three no strings attached wishes.

    1 I remember everything and have perfect clarity in thought, just like in limitless. 2 ?????????????????????? 3 PROFIT But really, there is nothing else I want.
  4. doctorsilly

    Which is your favourite God?

  5. doctorsilly

    What kind of new L4D character's would you like to see?

    The comedian The goodhearted misanthrope An angry buisnessman A soccer mum All my monies.
  6. doctorsilly

    Stuff you've done in Skyrim that you wouldn't do in real life

    Jumping on top of a table, and running across it, kicking all of it's contents to the floor, in every house I enter. Nope of the npcs ever notice, so I get that ninja-esque feel of doing something deafeningly loud and not getting caught.
  7. doctorsilly

    Is the Insanity Plea a legitimate defense?

    Keep in mind, the longest possible prison sentence in Norway is around 20 years, and they have the most humane prisons in the world, it is actually almost a holiday resort. They even hire artists to make it less impersonal there. Mental institutions can keep him until he is cured. He will never...
  8. doctorsilly

    Critically acclaimed games you didn't like.

    Bioshock. It doesn't matter how good the sory was, or how cool rapture looked, playing it felt like drinking wet plaster and I only kept on going to get to the next level.
  9. doctorsilly

    Mexican drug cartel murders bloggers.

    What the US can do about this: 1 Legalise whatever the cartels try to sell 2 Send some marines in to hunt them down 3 Send in more bloggers than they can kill 4 ????????????????????????????????????????? 5 PROFIT
  10. doctorsilly

    Trailers: Need For Speed: The Run - Michael Bay Trailer

    So... much... want... This made me think about what Bay would be like as a game dev. He would probs just work on CoD though.
  11. doctorsilly

    White House Denies UFO Contact

    The american government is not the only government, and the chances that aliens would only land in the US are tiny, they would surely have gone somewhere else. If aliens were here, someone, somewhere, would have some evidence. Real evidence, not shaky photos or crop circles.
  12. doctorsilly


    Seymour. End of discussion.
  13. doctorsilly

    Developer Shrugs Off Controversial Modern Warfare 3 Leak

    Oh dear god! The humanity! A VIDEOGAME depicted TERRORISM as BAD! I think I'm going to faint. But seriously, note that every "scandal" from the CoD series was when it stopped glorifying war. The nuke showed that no matter how tough a guy is, no matter how many men he can kill, no matter how...
  14. doctorsilly

    Burglar Busted for Posting Crime Scene Photos on Facebook

    Whether it is or isn't, he will never figure out how.
  15. doctorsilly

    Things that instantly kill your interest in a game

    Too many cut scenes, selling itself as cinematic, selling itself on realism, quick time events, having nothing that competing games don't do better, unlikeable characters and being in a genre that has too many releases already.