Recent content by DolphinWacker64

  1. DolphinWacker64

    Battlefield Unlikely To Go Multiplayer Only

    Of course they won't get rid of the single player campaign. What else is there to play? Seeing as the servers NEVER work. As of writing, the multiplayer servers are down AGAIN. This was a common issue when they launched Battlefield 2, you would think that they would have learned their lesson...
  2. DolphinWacker64

    Zero Punctuation: Kinect

    You should watch Mythbusters, they seem to get good vehicle handling without even being in the car... of course they do it with a remote control...Damn it, I forgot where I was going with this. Mythbusters is awesome I guess...
  3. DolphinWacker64

    Zero Punctuation: Kinect

    Yahtzee has pretty much summarized what I have always been saying about the Kinect: "For gaming, the Kinect is nothing more than a gimmick. But for everything else (hand waving through interfaces and such) it is pretty awesome. At least it will be once they improve the recognition software."...
  4. DolphinWacker64

    Consoles Are a Hit With Netflix Streamers, Says Survey

    The only reason that the Wii is the most used console for Netflix is because all Wii owners have come to the same conclusion: "Hmmm, I bought a Wii as a gaming console and have been constantly spammed with shovel-ware to the point that I don't even want to look at the Wii games when I reach the...
  5. DolphinWacker64

    Xbox kinect-themed guide update first impressions?

    I don't like it, I don't want my 360 looking like my Wii. White is the wii's coloration, black is the playstation's, and green was always the xbox's coloration. I know all companies want to be nintendo in this era, but I dont want my 360 crapping out on several key features (netflix, avatar...
  6. DolphinWacker64

    Zero Punctuation: Castlevania: Lords of Shadow

    Yes the portal joke felt shoehorned into the game, but are you saying that it ruined the entire game? What if you never found that scroll? Would the game suddenly have been more fun? And this game was intended to be a reboot. Didn't you say that a proper reboot makes a nod to the franchise, but...
  7. DolphinWacker64

    Creepiest/Scariest Video Game Character Ever (double thread, please delete this one)

    UPDATE: Whoa, it double posted for some odd reason... sorry about that, please redirect all coments to this one: With the upcoming Halloween holiday, our thoughts turn to the creepy and...
  8. DolphinWacker64

    Creepiest/Scariest Video Game Character Ever

    UPDATE: Sorry about it somehow double posting, this thread here is the main thread, Mod please delete the other thread -> With the upcoming Halloween holiday, our thoughts turn to the...
  9. DolphinWacker64

    Poll: Accuracy...Do you care?

    In first person shooters, the player's accuracy is usually directly proportional to the amount of bullets the player is given. Give the player 5 bullets to last the entire level, like in Condemned, And the player will want to make those shots count, only firing when they are assured that they...
  10. DolphinWacker64

    New Eroge Game Introduces Wang Recognition Technology

    yeah, japan did made it able reconise it, But you know that they had to use thier own to test it. And everyone knows that people from japan are short(innuendo), so when it gets to america, it will need reprograming to detect larger objects... or at least a zoom out feature. although if it...
  11. DolphinWacker64

    Police Ignore 21 Phone Calls from Suicidal Mother

    That is to be expected, the police force doesn't help us anymore. If you want to protect your family and property from a threat, you must deal with the threat yourself...
  12. DolphinWacker64

    Unskippable: Lost Odyssey

    The battle between 1's and 0's.... I thought I saw a '2' in there somewhere...
  13. DolphinWacker64

    Earth Day: will you celebrate it?

    Of course I will be celebrating on Earth day, as it Happens to be my Birthday.
  14. DolphinWacker64

    What is the closest thing you have to a super power in real life.

    I am completely immune to the cold. I can't feel it as the nerves in my body do not register anything cold. Which makes me awesome/stupid in winter while I'm still in shorts.
  15. DolphinWacker64

    Worst pain you've ever been in?

    Emotional Pain is by far worse than anything physical. For a long time in my life, I went the the biggest depression in my life. I realized that I would never find love in my life and would die alone. I am not religous, yet I prayed every night in hope that I would die in my sleep, And when I...