Recent content by dontworryaboutit

  1. dontworryaboutit

    Sexism in gaming, do we really give a f**k?

    You know, this whole "don't buy it if you don't like it" thing would be great. If it actually worked, and if the images and messages you are daily bombarded with didn't actively shape the way you view the world, whether you choose to realize that or not. Even if you don't buy it, chances are...
  2. dontworryaboutit

    You have been transformed into your avatar.

    Awwwww hell.
  3. dontworryaboutit

    Star Wars, Star Trek

    While I do love William Shatner and Sir Patrick Stewart, Star Wars will always be better because of James Earl Jones, Sir Alec Guinness and Harrison Ford. And Admiral Ackbar. Also Boba Fett is a badass. Tusken Raiders too. Although the Borg are pretty cool, but Darth Vader is better. A...
  4. dontworryaboutit

    What makes you Facepalm?

    The term "facepalm".
  5. dontworryaboutit

    The point of Avatar, why empathy is important and why humans are like cancer

    You're forgetting the fact that the Vietnamese shit all over America. But that's not the point. The point is that mankind has been morally dead for dozens of years and deserves all it gets. On the plus side, the murder rate in New York City has dropped to a low not seen since the early 1960s.
  6. dontworryaboutit

    Is sexting really a big problem as the media makes it seem?

    Seeing as how I had no knowledge of this being an issue before clicking this thread, it is safe to assume that: a) It is not a serious problem. b) I don't read enough news.
  7. dontworryaboutit

    The point of Avatar, why empathy is important and why humans are like cancer

    What would an indigenous struggle be without a white male to lead it? Also, I saw this film two days after seeing District 9 for the first time and I was unsurprisingly disappointed by Avatar's extremely feeble attempt at the same message. I guess those 14 or so years of production were...
  8. dontworryaboutit

    5 Bands to Save

    Too fond of life is he who would not die when all the world dies with him.
  9. dontworryaboutit

    Become a Cyborg We're already screwed.
  10. dontworryaboutit

    dieing 15 year old boy want's weird last request

    Whether you approve or not, sex is a life-affirming experience. I'm glad he finally got to live before he died.
  11. dontworryaboutit

    PETA does it again: Unhappy Meals!

    PETA's just a bunch of self-righteous assholes who rely on shock value and the exploitation of women to try and make a point while behind our backs they kill a vast majority of the stray animals they "save".
  12. dontworryaboutit

    Hello, Banana Phone?

    "What are you wearing?"
  13. dontworryaboutit

    How many sugars in your tea/coffee?

    One packet, POSSIBLY two if I'm feeling adventurous.
  14. dontworryaboutit

    I wimped out.

    Being a good person is pussying out?
  15. dontworryaboutit

    Pimp My Gun: Show your Creations [Image Posting tips in the First post]

    Good lord. On a side note, some of these hilarious guns end up not having triggers anywhere. It's fantastic.