Recent content by Dragoniangirl

  1. Dragoniangirl

    Has a game ever moved you to tears? *SPOILERS ABOUND*

    Thinking back on all the games I've played the only one I can think of that made me cry was the ending of Okamiden. (Major spoiler for the ending of Okamiden. Read at your own risk) That was back when the game first came out. I played it again recently and still got misty eyed at that...
  2. Dragoniangirl

    Characters you hate with an unbridled, illogical passion

    This fat-ass: Just everything about him I can't stand. Plus he was positively useless to me since I knew the inferno brush technique before I met him and thus had no need for the flame on his head as a source. Useless, annoying, and I took every opportunity I had to make him suffer. I...
  3. Dragoniangirl

    Angriest a game has gotten you

    At the moment I've just rage quit Psychonauts. I'm at the final stage where you have to get to different platforms to defend that stupid little kid and his stupid rabbit from the mutated demonic rabbits while essentially on a timer (since if the kid dies, you die) and he's too freakin' stupid to...
  4. Dragoniangirl

    That one game you could never finish...

    There's two right now that are like that for me. Psychonauts: I'm currently stuck in the Meat Circus. >.< Why did they have to start that level with a freakin' timed escort mission that requires precision platforming. I just can't get the timing right to get past the third part. Portal...
  5. Dragoniangirl

    Daily Drop: Television

    That wasn't a ladder, it was a folding chair. So I guess the tagline for this video should be "One ladder, one high speed camera and one folding chair."
  6. Dragoniangirl

    Daily Drop: Super Mario & Duck Hunt

    I love how part of the case was stuck around the crowbar at the end. Clinging for dear life!
  7. Dragoniangirl

    Miracle of Sound: Mining All Day long

    Great song! It's really catchy and I just can't stop listening. I can't wait for the next song (and the mp3 release of this one so I can play it while I'm driving. ^^)
  8. Dragoniangirl

    Poll: Minecraft, a sneaky plot to trap all gamers inside their houses till the end of time.

    I'll admit I was starting to get a little bored after I'd explored one world and built like, five different bases on a couple different continents and then connected them all with railways. So I started up a new world and got an awesome starting area. So far I've found two lava falls within...
  9. Dragoniangirl

    Daily Drop: Santa Candle

    After the second crowbar failure I was waiting for a message saying Santa was indestructible. Guess I was wrong. Still, it was a little creepy having just the face come off along with the slow-mo "Merry Christmas!"
  10. Dragoniangirl

    Daily Drop: Chips & Salsa

    Quick! Someone drop some jalapenos and melted cheese! We can have floor nachos!
  11. Dragoniangirl

    Daily Drop: Cranberry Sauce

    Things falling and smashing to the 1812 Overture will never be too cliche.
  12. Dragoniangirl

    Preview: Minecraft

    I've been watching a bunch of "Let's Play"s and other such videos about Minecraft on youtube for a while now and I'm finding myself wanting to get into it more and more. While it does look like at points I may get bored with it, I find the idea of just exploring around and seeing what's been...
  13. Dragoniangirl

    Daily Drop: Two Wolf Moon

    I want to send this video off to all those wolfaboos on DeviantArt. Looks like it's gonna be a tomato tomorrow and that shall be glorious!
  14. Dragoniangirl

    Unskippable: Bayonetta

    Ditto. T^T
  15. Dragoniangirl

    Poll: What's your favorite Final Fantasy magic system?

    I liked the Esper system of FFVI myself. It let me teach everyone the spells I needed.