Recent content by DuderSkanks

  1. DuderSkanks

    Escape to the Movies: Hobo With a Shotgun

    Saw it over spring break at my cousin's apartment, freaked me the hell out...
  2. DuderSkanks

    Let's Play: Pokemon Crystal - A Nuzlocke Challenge.

    I got to name a Growlithe, AWESOME! Hogan shall be another paragon of Manliness! Now all we need is a Raul.
  3. DuderSkanks

    You are a Pirate, Whats your ship called?

    Frozen Dagger Skull with icicles instead of bones on a navy background
  4. DuderSkanks

    Your dream "TV show/movie to game"?

    A Mythbusters game that worked like Scribblenauts, ie. type it in and Jamie gets it from his workshop. IT'D BE AWESOME!
  5. DuderSkanks

    Turn in your man card

    This, along with: I don't like FPSs Puzzle games and Turn-Based RPGs are my favorite kinds of games I'm happy with just owning a Wii and don't really care about the 360 or PS3 (not hating, just don't care) I like My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic BRONIES FOR LIFE!
  6. DuderSkanks

    Creepiest Character in a Game

  7. DuderSkanks

    Please, give us anything but Russia

    Switzerland vs THE WORLD!
  8. DuderSkanks

    Fox News Attacks NEA for Classifying Games as Art

    Which Fox News will say we need to use more of!
  9. DuderSkanks

    Fox News Attacks NEA for Classifying Games as Art

    this is my response to Fox in general
  10. DuderSkanks

    Fox News Attacks NEA for Classifying Games as Art

    This is hilarious, but I can't tell which side is being insulted. I'll be safe and just say both
  11. DuderSkanks

    Games Now Legally Considered an Art Form (in the USA)

    Feeling less rage now. Thank you
  12. DuderSkanks

    Fox News Attacks NEA for Classifying Games as Art

    We'll do what we can
  13. DuderSkanks

    Zero Punctuation: Pokemon White

    I REGRET NOTHING! But anyway, a good episode, I can say that my love of the series cannot be scratched by his review. It's part of the reason me and my girlfriend met and that's still going strong.