Recent content by Dularn

  1. D

    Poll: What's your opinion on summer?

    Hate summer, which is a problem seeing as I live in Australia... The thing is, when it is cold you can put on a jumper or ugg boots and get pretty cozy. You get that amazing comfortable feeling of warmth when you are snuggled in your bed on a cold night. In the heat of summer there is...
  2. D

    Gearbox Can't Increase Borderlands 2's Level Cap (Without Breaking It)

    Not at all, I never hit the current cap and I really like the game. I just had no desire to play through the same content again just to get a gun with higher damage numbers. I loved playing through it and doing all the DLC, I'd just rather play something new or something in my backlog of...
  3. D

    If Jesus hated Christmas, would you still celebrate it?

    For myself and most people I know Christmas has no religious association, it is more about spending time with the family (and a very large lunch/dinner involving large quantities of Turkey). In a way, Christmas is our (Australia's) thanksgiving. So no, if some hypothetical figure figure from...
  4. D

    Your Top 3 Favorite Drinks.

    1. Ice cold Mocha (Masters) 2. Ouzo and cola (oddly enough I find it best with Pepsi Max) 3. Beer (Hoegarden, James Squire Amber Ale... ginger beer) Special mention to Coffee
  5. D

    You Probably Use Gmail Now

    A lot of people who switched from hotmail to gmail all those years ago might still check hotmail from time to time effectively inflating 'active user' numbers for the service. For example, I still use my hotmail address to sign up for most sites/promos to avoid excessive spam and newsletters...
  6. D

    you wake up in the morning, and it's been announced that in american women have lost voting rights

    Well first of all this is an absurd scenario. I rarely wake up in the morning. I would think to myself 'only in America' and go about the rest of my day. If it happened in my country I would be very pissed off and I imagine there would be large scale protests. The change would not last long.
  7. D

    Poll: Me and my cousin are curious do people under 27 know their social security number offhand?

    I'm not too sure we have a direct equivalent in Australia. We have centrelink which provides job seeker / student payments but you only get a number from them once you apply for the payments. I knew this number in my student days as I had to log on to the website from time to time (fun fact...
  8. D

    Doctor Who Series 7, Ep 2: Dinosaurs on a Spaceship (SPOILERS)

    I enjoyed this episode but not as much as last week. The Dinosaurs on a spaceship and 'comic robots' were a bit too corny for my liking. The way the villain was left to die seemed a little cold for the current Doctor and somewhat out of character but I liked that. I always enjoy seeing glimpses...
  9. D

    You now own EA.

    I would give Bioware complete independence in regards to decision making, game design, timelines and internal matters. I would also rebrand the studios that had been set up by EA to cash in on the bioware name (eg; the studio making the new command and conquer). I would try and increase...
  10. D

    Im tired of "Better Graphics" being a major argument of PC vs. Console

    - Faster load times - Better graphics (including high res textures. better anti-aliasing and more world density) - No disk (Sleeping Dogs uses steamworks) - Moddable (maybe - I haven't checked) - Cheaper (was $34 on greenmangaming) - automatic updating - smoother gameplay (higher fps, less...
  11. D

    Poll: The "Australian" Tax

    The minimum wage in Washington is 25% higher than the federal minimum wage. Are you saying that residents of this state should have to pay 25% more for their games? Edit: Wait, how do you get paid BELOW minimum wage? Is there some kind of alternate understanding of the word minimum in the...
  12. D

    Poll: The "Australian" Tax

    Comparing these to a digital game is not applicable. If my food, housing, water, etc was digital, tax free, without physical distribution costs, without local staffing costs and all purchased from a US based store in US Dollars (yep, they don't even bother to change the currency when ripping...
  13. D

    Your favorite alcoholic beverage

    Favorite beer: Hoegarden Favorite mixed: Ouzo and Cola (I prefer it with Pepsi Max) Favorite shot: Dead Nazi* (9/10 Jaegermeister with 1/10 Creme de Menthe). This shot tastes like mint with a lingering aftertaste. It is easy to drink and at 35% gets you smashed pretty quick. * I...
  14. D

    Ubisoft Bemoans 95% Piracy Rate

    I've purchased every Assassins Creed game on PC. I own Farcry 1 and 2, many Tom Clancy games and Ubisoft published games like the last two Heroes of Might and Magic games and all the expansions on PC. I plan to buy Assassins Creed 3 and Watch Dogs on PC. Yet: 1) The copy of Assassins...
  15. D

    Game with the longest story?

    Dragon Age Origins + Awakening with all DLC is pretty long. I clocked 150 hours from one complete and one partial playthrough.. Fallout 3 / New Vegas are pretty long too if you do the side missions and explore (70+ hours each). Skyrim is also massive, you could probably clock 80+ hours...