Recent content by Ed Classified

  1. Ed Classified

    Self Harm and You

    After a series of traumatic events at the age of 13, I cut my forearm with a pair of scissors. It was the first and last time I tried cutting myself, it did leave a scar though. 21, Male, Straight.
  2. Ed Classified

    EA Admits That SimCity Could Have Been Offline

    While I respect their vision, why can't they just add the offline mode if it has been proven to work? Giving the player the choice to play offline wouldn't hurt that vision in any way. Everybody that loves the social aspect can play online with friends and people who don't won't be bothered...
  3. Ed Classified

    Leave me alone PC gamers!

    Yeah I get that a lot too. It's annoying because I know PC games are better, my friend has an awesome PC and I play it every chance I get. I can't afford a decent PC, I'm glad it lets me watch youtube videos without catching fire. So I bought an Xbox and I love it. Yes PC is the superior...
  4. Ed Classified

    what games made you get teary eyes

    I've never played a game that made me teary eyed, Mass Effect 3 managed to get some kind of emotional response out of me at some points. I had to make some though calls and lost some old friends, although it got to me the fact that they aren't real people kind of diminished the sadness.
  5. Ed Classified

    Poll: Father in rural Germany finds his young son likes to wear dresses; does the same to show solidarity.

    I would be okay with it. I would warn him that he'll be treated differently by others, but hey whatever makes you happy. As for wearing a dress myself, I respect the father in the picture for his solidarity but I would pass on that one.
  6. Ed Classified

    Poll: Can you swim and/or ride a bicycle.

    I learned both as a child. I can still do both, but due to my asthma, smoking and being lazy and out of shape I don't have the stamina to cycle or swim for very long. I much prefer walking to both of them.
  7. Ed Classified

    Poll: So lets say the fate of Resident Evil lies with you...

    For me Resident Evil 4 was the best, the gameplay was solid and varied and I could see where I was aiming. I didn't mind escorting Ashley all that much she knew when to duck, hid in a box when I told her to and managed to get kidnapped every once in a while to give me a break. I was a bit...
  8. Ed Classified

    Poll: What is your stance on swearing?

    I don't have anything against swearing, it's a great way to release frustration. I can't help but swear when things aren't going my way and the only time I have a problem with it is when there are children around.
  9. Ed Classified

    Your Comprehensive Worst Pokemon Ever

    Well the worst pokemon in my opinion are, Trubbish And it's evolution Garbodor. It's not that they are especially weak or anything, but the thought and effort that went into their design is downright insulting. There are more pokemon that resemble random objects like the ice cream pokemon, but...
  10. Ed Classified

    Should you feel guilty for eating meat?

    I have never really cared about the animals we use for meat, I like meat and I don't feel guilty about eating it. That being said I couldn't kill an animal myself to eat it, but when the meat is processed and everything it's so far removed from the actual animal that I don't even think about it.
  11. Ed Classified

    So I'm going to try and stop saying "gay" and "fag"

    I've started doing this too a few months ago, but I was surprised and somewhat embarrassed about how often I used homophobic slurs. I stopped calling people gay after high-school so that wasn't the problem. My biggest problem was the use of the word Gay instead of Bad, even when I watched...
  12. Ed Classified

    What was the last game you failed to complete ?

    Far Cry 2, I initially picked it up for the Map Editor, but I decided to give the Campaign a try. After doing some rather boring missions I started to get annoyed by the fact that every single person you encounter tries to run you off the road and murder you. A couple of hours later I...
  13. Ed Classified

    That Voice In Your Head

    It depends on what I'm reading. The most common one is a calm and soothing version of my own voice, but when I'm familiar with the writers voice it automatically get's switched out. For example: Mogworld, which I read with Yahtzee's voice stuck in my head and it was awesome.
  14. Ed Classified

    What are your hobbies (besides gaming)?

    My hobbies besides gaming are writing, drawing and making videos. I also like making games, either table top or video games. (Although they hardly ever get finished) And when I'm not doing any of that I'm probably smoking weed and browsing the internet.
  15. Ed Classified

    Poll: If you could live in any Pokemon Region, which would it be?

    I'd go with Kanto, just for the familiarity.