Recent content by Edje

  1. Edje

    Apocalypse Lane: Episode Three: Homeowner's Meeting

    i just don't think its up to snuff when compared with doomsday arcade, unforgoten realms, and there will be brawl
  2. Edje

    205: The Parables of Gaming

    Before all the flaming starts i just want to bring in a serious 2 cents. oh and, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE!! can we make this civil, i am really interested in this topic, and i don't want to wade through a "I hate religion" flame thread to have a discussion about a very relevant topic. I'll...
  3. Edje

    Apocalypse Lane: Episode One: Big Pete's Funeral

    A RESOUNDING ...meh
  4. Edje

    Is it possible to make a good Bible game?

    yup, but who knows mabye in a few decades we can just learn to coexist and slowly solve our differences over time instead of the pig headed accusations on both sides right now, if that happens then maybe.
  5. Edje

    Is it possible to make a good Bible game?

    yeah i would agree, what i mentioned above is about taking the subject matter itself as opposed to the physical book and taking it into a new light, I see that as the only way to make and interesting "Bible" game. But one thing it needs to avoid is what has happened to the Dante's Inferno...
  6. Edje

    Is it possible to make a good Bible game?

    Dude there are some pretty bad ass things in the old testament, In Judges (i believe, somewhere after David) an Israelite warrior defeats 1000 armed solders with the jaw bone of a Donkey (really look it up :D). The escape from slavery could make for an atmospheric and moving game if done right...
  7. Edje

    Humanity, hell yeah!

    Yeah there seems to be either pure superiority or uter inferiority in scifi, rarely equality the closest one i have seen came in Mass effect
  8. Edje

    I actually really liked Sonic Adventure 2

    Yeah, I loved that Game too. Only one where Shadow was ACTUALLY a badass.
  9. Edje

    Politicians and their "gay friends"...

    Things like this are just a part of human nature, were flawed, petty,and generally unpleasant. Need to accept that first and move from there.
  10. Edje

    Scientists Breed Glowing Puppies

    it really isn't anything special its merely a procedure in genetic engineering to add that glowing trait so that they can check which of the test animals received the altered genes without having to do extensive testing
  11. Edje

    Let's talk about Hell, baby.

    This video is pretty screwed up in a lot of ways. The Christian perspective on hell has evolved far beyond the simple hellfire that sinners are cast into at the center of the earth. (mainly because it had to, seeing as Hell was only described in concept in the bible, which is effective really...
  12. Edje

    Online FPS and Working As a Team

    try TF2 or L4D if you want team work, bad company is meh,
  13. Edje

    Your greatest fear?

    I know its really obscure but one thing that is guaranteed to freak me out is being in the water with something huge that is wanting to eat/kill me, whenever it comes up in a game i get really really on edge
  14. Edje

    Love at first sight?

    Love at first sight only exists in Shakespearean drama and the heads of people who mistake lust for love. I do however believe that you can notice compatibility at first sight (little different than just like or lust, and only sometimes)