Recent content by Elochai_IV

  1. Elochai_IV

    Australian Capital Goes R18+

    Would someone please inform this person about SOPA and PIPA... (-/)-) ... *facepalm* It's about damned time we were allowed an R18+ rating in this country... or at least, the beginnings of one... I'd never understood just how Gears of War 3 was allowed in, when they banned Moral Kombat...
  2. Elochai_IV

    Assassin's Creed III

    If my sources are correct, there will be no hidden blade. Instead, he'll be using the axe we saw in the trailer, and on much of the box-art. ... I sincerely hope my sources are wrong though... I like the hidden blade... Don't get me wrong, I'd love the axe too. But maybe, it should replace a...
  3. Elochai_IV


    Alright, I don't want to be the type of person that makes a thread, reads the answers, and then never says anything on it again... I just wanted to come back and say, thank-you, to all of you :') I spoke to her about it, last Wednesday in fact. I'd finished explaining how I felt, and just as...
  4. Elochai_IV


    Alright; before I'm bombarded with insults for one reason or another, let's just get straight to the point... I see Forums about technological stuff on here; Which soundboard is the best, Graphics cards, etcetera etcetera. So I'm thinking, this advice section is all technological and whatnot...
  5. Elochai_IV

    Ultramarines: The movie

    I watched the Ultramarines Movie just the other day actually. I found the graphics quite lacking, to be honest. I mean, seriously: In this day and age, it looks like that? The CUTSCENES from Dawn of War II had better graphics. ==" Ither than that, the storyline to it didn't really have much...
  6. Elochai_IV

    Guys That Play Girls In Games. Why?

    Personally, I agree with you. Games which allow a player to choose between male and female are often trying to create a sort of virtual second world for the player, however temporary or dull it may be. A friend of mine gave me a rather pointless and, to be honest lack-luster answer to this...
  7. Elochai_IV

    Guys That Play Girls In Games. Why?

    Personally, I agree with you. Games which allow a player to choose between male and female are often trying to create a sort of virtual second world for the player, however temporary or dull it may be. A friend of mine gave me a rather pointless and, to be honest lack-luster answer to this...
  8. Elochai_IV

    Halo: Reach Will Punish Quitters, Says Bungie

    I still think there will be so many people hating on the 15 minute ban. Those people will most likely be the "Quitters" In question.
  9. Elochai_IV

    Halo: Reach Will Punish Quitters, Says Bungie

    I find this to be quite reasonable, considering the amount of times I've fought a decidedly unfair match due to the weaklings quitting on me. More than once, though, I've still come out on top :) But, As I do not really want to go through the entire quote, and delete whatever is irrelevant, I...
  10. Elochai_IV

    The fatal flaw of Star Wars TOR

    That we do. Though, the person, or people as it were, in question all play Alliance characters, on purely Alliance dominated servers. In other words, "They lick Alliance Ballsac." Im assuming you play Horde, on a purely Horde Dominated server. If not, I apologize. I myself do not play the...
  11. Elochai_IV

    The fatal flaw of Star Wars TOR

    This is true. Have you ever played World of Warcraft? Everyone on the Horde team are 12 year olds, so I've been told. personally, Im going Republic :)
  12. Elochai_IV

    What's up with FPS, RPG, Beat'em Ups, and other Genres having like a 4 hour single player...

    Because half the time, they try and make the Multiplayer experience much more effective, more appealing, as it were. Most games these days are all about Online Play. The Campaign of a game is, as hard as it is to believe, mostly for the purpose of selling the game, in most cases. For example...
  13. Elochai_IV

    Weird things as a kid

    Once, when I was a small child, I saw a man who CLAIMED to be my uncle, do this thing with a garden hose that still haunts me to this day...
  14. Elochai_IV

    Just quit WoW

    I'd suggest something... Different to your normal Genre, or what you normaly play. If you play MMO's, try an FPS. :) If you havn't already, I'd suggest playing... Something from the Total War series. Rome, or Medieval II :) but thats just my opinion. :)
  15. Elochai_IV

    Star Wars: The Old Republic is EA's Most Expensive Project in History

    I reckon The Old Republic could, and will, be jsut as big, probably bigger, than WoW, Mainly because Star Wars has alot more followers. I mean, think of it: I know that there will be alot of "Old Timers" that would go out of there way to open their pension and extract however much is needed...