Recent content by Errnor

  1. Errnor

    Max Payne 3 Multiplayer Is a "Gang War"

    One more reason to thank God for Jim Sterling... Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Max Payne -- who's next?
  2. Errnor

    First Person: Skyrim is Soulless

    Skyrim is Elder Scrolls game. Its all about scenery, freedom and old misteries. Living people, NPC, are there only to give quests or to carry loot and be killed. Remember Morrowind? Any shopkeeper would just stand there, no matter what. And dialogues in prior Elder Scrolls games? They didn't...
  3. Errnor

    Jimquisition: The Weird is Not Enough

    Well, he had good points about "Cargo!". But show got alot better the moment I've thought he looks like typical 'buddy' from that game. Just with his clothes on. Too bad I'm not Flawkes...
  4. Errnor

    PSN Down Worldwide; Is Anonymous to Blame?

    They did not point at Anonymous, yes. But many others in this thread do. So, what would be next - "I've disconnected! Anon did this!"? I thought Anonymous leaves their "calling card" everytime. Isn't it why they do anything in first place - just to leave the card?
  5. Errnor

    PSN Down Worldwide; Is Anonymous to Blame?

    If you don't know who did it - blame Anonymous. That's easy...