Recent content by EvilRoy

  1. EvilRoy

    Civilization 7 - It's shit

    Random map is definitely better, although the leader bonus balance remains an issue and unfortunately random maps can severely hamper the Maori, one of the more interesting civilizations, because they may struggle to find decent landfall. I agree it's one of the best modern civilization games...
  2. EvilRoy

    Civilization 7 - It's shit

    Civ 6 is a solid game, it just suffers from some annoyingly samey gameplay at times, major balance issues, and you can't recreate nations pretty much at all which frustrates me. The extent to which you could succeed in recreating a nation varies a lot between options, but generally speaking the...
  3. EvilRoy

    Civilization 7 - It's shit

    I was kind of looking forward to this one, primarily because I'm bored of endless leader dlc in 6, but I guess I'll give it a pass for now at least. All I really wanted was some improvements to the scale of the game, a bit more variety in leadership and better balance. Y'know, figure out the...
  4. EvilRoy

    Does anyone remember when BioWare had a legendary reputation among the gaming world?

    This came up at work the other day oddly enough, one of my teammates had EA stocks which shit the bed, and someone pointed out that the stockholders report indicated "1.5 million players" instead of "1.5 million sales". Which is really bad because stockholders don't care about player counts...
  5. EvilRoy

    How can you stand the lopsided car infrastructure?

    I've actually been part of a push in my area to improve cycling and mass transit in my city. Not as a driver but as a designer, so when other people decide what they want and where to go I find solutions to implement it. It's been weird. Conceptually it doesn't seem that hard to figure out...
  6. EvilRoy

    Choo choo! All aboard the Complain Train!

    The results are in and the doc says I have to resume my diet. Its not too bad, just like a lot more fibre and less pastries/meat which is fine, but after having taken a few week break I'm learning that my body needs to become accustom to a high fibre diet again. For the record "high fibre" means...
  7. EvilRoy

    What have you learned today?

    Cool news about wood. They can make it transparent now with bonus strength. Practical trials has it tough to do for large sections so you can't make a see-through deck right now and the epoxy seems to yellow under UV light but we're on our way. This is semi old news but there's some renewed...
  8. EvilRoy

    Bleach: Rebirth of Souls

    Just a heads up that the original Bleach anime ended before the the manga did, so they basically had a filler arc that settled the story. There was a new Bleach anime that is following the anime without filler and will have the manga ending. Apparently it may also be expanded a bit because the...
  9. EvilRoy

    Tiny insignificant details in games that really impressed you

    I've been playing stardew valley a lot and it's been really interesting to me how many fine details are included and how many aren't. It kind of makes sense given how old the game is and community informed continual development but it still catches me off guard. On one hand I keep getting...
  10. EvilRoy

    Resource capacity issues, will monthly timesheets help?

    Yeah I kind of had one crisis after another for a while there and started avoiding the internet to cut back on stress. And then if course I post again for a resourcing conversation.
  11. EvilRoy

    Resource capacity issues, will monthly timesheets help?

    Depending on how many projects you have and how big the team is, my team's approach could help you. We have weekly meetings for one hour where we go through a list of active projects and each person in a group gives a number to how much time they are going to spend on it over the next two...
  12. EvilRoy

    What have you learned today?

    I learned how the Australian voting system works, thanks to a fun online comic. I didn't need to learn about it, but I've decided to re-contextualize my recent struggle to stay focused on anything as a dedication to pursuing new knowledge rather than work burnout...
  13. EvilRoy

    They fired the Escapist's editor, and the video team, Yahtzee resigns

    I just realized he named the new series after his blog site that he hasn't posted on in years. I remember when I would check that site for posts on the regs, but that was like ten years ago.
  14. EvilRoy

    The Escapist Countdown to Shutdown Thread: What’s Next?

    I tried to find out without taking the obvious easy step of making a twitter account and asking him, but I wasn't getting anywhere so I stopped. I'm not super into making accounts on that trash fire, so I'll leave this one as a mystery and assume he went on a grand adventure of self discovery...
  15. EvilRoy

    The Escapist Countdown to Shutdown Thread: What’s Next?

    THAT'S who it was, thank you. Its good to hear he's at least continuing to survive, but yes, I can't say I really want to seek out a discussion there. I just remember that he was eastern Canadian, worked manufacturing and had a lot to say about anglo/french relationships which put him in SW...