Recent content by False Nobility

  1. False Nobility

    Amidst Andromeda's Failures, EmceeProphIt makes a analysis of what made Mass Effect so Special

    Here come's my favorite analytical Youtuber to remind me why Andromeda makes me wanna jump out the airlock. It's funny because he released this video right when the new game came out. I think this does a good job of summarizing why Mass Effect was so good right from the start. And makes...
  2. False Nobility

    "Virtual DRM on Everything"

  3. False Nobility

    Freeman's Mind 2

    I'm 90% sure it's just april fools but god what a tease. The bloke is brilliant.
  4. False Nobility

    Why doesn't Reddit have the same bad rep Tumblr has?

    Each Sub is an island onto itself. That doesn't stop the murderous, racist pirate clan from the next island over from raiding the peaceful sub-reddits from time to time, which I've seen happen all to often. Never forget the infamous Volvo massacre. Honestly I find it to be much more of a...
  5. False Nobility

    What If there was no such thing as Lying?

    Healthy relationships may become rare... We might have good politics, but bad military tactics?
  6. False Nobility

    What Old Games Got Right: Donkey Kong Country

    Awesome. Just stay determined. Believe in the me who believes in you. Stay in School, all that jazz. :D
  7. False Nobility

    What Old Games Got Right: Donkey Kong Country

    No stinkin' thinkin'. Were you hit hard by the youtube 'purge'? That may have something to do with it. Either way, keep your head up and keep doing what you're doing. You make quality content.
  8. False Nobility

    What Old Games Got Right: Donkey Kong Country

    Tch, if you say so. I think you have put in more than enough work to deserve a big audience and more support than you get.
  9. False Nobility

    What Old Games Got Right: Donkey Kong Country

    Great idea for a new series! Love it so far. I think you made great points all around, and each part flowed very well. To be blunt, the fact that you aren't more popular is a testament to how youtube's algorithm has failed. I wish you luck dude.
  10. False Nobility

    The BEST game intro I've seen, and why it works!

    Ah, good ol Emcee. Always something to look forward to after a long weak. Watching now. Love it so far.
  11. False Nobility

    Zero Punctuation: Mirror's Edge Catalyst

    Does everything really need a reboot these days? Anyway, solid vid.
  12. False Nobility

    'Environmental Storytelling' in Dark Souls!

    Been watching the channel for a while, and I must say you're very good at provoking thought on the given topic. You make a good argument on your position and never come across as pretentious (ironically XD ). I think that's my favorite part of your work. It feels accesible without being dumbed...
  13. False Nobility

    Happy 10th Anniversary, Announcement of Half-Life 2 Episode Three

    Can....Can we stop acting like this game is going to happen? Like seriously? It was a joke 5 years ago, and now even the joke has outstayed it's welcome.
  14. False Nobility

    This Guy is the BEST Game Analyst No One's heard of

    So long as you're okay with not being productive for the rest of the day, you'll like it. :)
  15. False Nobility

    This Guy is the BEST Game Analyst No One's heard of

    I'd love for him to do another big retrospective after he finishes Skyward Sword. Maybe he'll tackle FF. He's clearly an RPG nerd. Ever since Spoony finished Ultima I've had a retro void in my life.