Recent content by faytmye

  1. F

    Ludology versus Narratology

    Thanks for all the replies, I know the survey isnt particular open to free responses but the main emphasis of it was the last 6 questions. These questions were proposed by ludologists and narratologists and make up "the debate" that exists between them. I probably should have included a...
  2. F

    Ludology versus Narratology

    I have found that the genre of the game is the biggest influence when it comes to deciding between the two. I enjoy RPG's mainly for the story but when I am playing a game much like Team Fortress 2 the story or background isnt important to me. The questionnaire is aimed at all video games...
  3. F

    Ludology versus Narratology

    Thanks for filling it in, it really only does take 1 minute to complete. I totally agree with you as well but you'd be suprised of how many people just want to see the story
  4. F

    Ludology versus Narratology

    Hello everyone, I posted quite a while ago in regards to research I was doing on my disseration in my final year at university. It was based around narrative and storytelling in video games but the topic has slightly shifted since that time. The paper is now to do with Ludology versus...
  5. F

    Favorite Video Game Character

    Ico :)
  6. F

    Character Relationships

    It's a good thing I currently live in Manchester then ;) Sorry I cannot respond individually to all of you due to the amount of replies, there has been so many excellent suggestions so far I am really pleased! Thank you all so much for this, I guess I have a lot more games to play (too many...
  7. F

    Character Relationships

    That actually sounds really interesting! Reminds me of the relationship between Wanderer & Dormin in Shadow of the Colossus because they also never meet. Thanks a lot for the input so far everyone!
  8. F

    Character Relationships

    Always wanted to buy that, going to have to now :) Forgot to mention Portal in OP (duh!)
  9. F

    Character Relationships

    Hello everyone I was wondering if anyone could spare me a second of their time and help me with some research. Basically I am starting my dissertation for my final year at university and was hoping to base it around the lines of Important Relationships Between Video Game Characters...