Recent content by FieryTrainwreck

  1. FieryTrainwreck

    Revisiting No Man's Sky

    He's just double checking to make sure video game AI doesn't become too advanced and threaten the human race. Fortunately, video game AI hasn't advanced for decades.
  2. FieryTrainwreck

    Does height matter anymore?

    ITT: Height doesn't matter to most women... and most of them have never dated a shorter man.
  3. FieryTrainwreck

    Smaller Devs Abused By Steam's "No Questions Asked" Refund Policy

    Blah blah blah piss off, devs. This industry has been both nickle-and-diming its customers AND calling them entitled brats for years now. Shit's not flying anymore. Your shill buddies over on the journalism side of things decided to collectively go to war against the customer base, and now those...
  4. FieryTrainwreck

    The False Dragon

    Absolutely. Just happens most of the people who behave that way in WoT are women. It's not a series that nails female characterization.
  5. FieryTrainwreck

    The False Dragon

    Women throughout the WoT series are illogical, irrational, petty, hysterical, and idiotic. You can count the exceptions on 1-2 hands. I was very close to skipping their segments of the books entirely.
  6. FieryTrainwreck

    The False Dragon

    The only time I enjoyed the Aes Sedai: when they were being crushed by Rand after be broke out of the box.
  7. FieryTrainwreck

    The False Dragon

    No, it was pretty bad. I think Rand, Mat, and the various Forsaken were the clear highlights of the series. The rest varied between bearable and painful with virtually all the Aes Sedai bits falling firmly into the latter category. All of their pettiness and social climbing and plays for...
  8. FieryTrainwreck

    The False Dragon

    The Wheel of Time series is actually very well suited to TV adaptation. There are many dozens of characters, whole stretches of books, and even an entire volume of the series that absolutely deserve to end up on the cutting room floor. It's the rare novel that might be drastically improved by a...
  9. FieryTrainwreck

    Felt: A "Feminist Superhero Movie"

    Looks like a try-hard indie movie that will galvanize and excite radical feminists while alienating and upsetting everyone else - although the vast majority of "everyone else" won't bother to see it at all. In other words: relax. This isn't some meaningful portent of a terrible radfem future...
  10. FieryTrainwreck

    Still looks pretty damn good after the downgrade.

    Buncha thoughts: 1. Despite the downgrades, it's definitely still a great-looking game. 2. It doesn't, however, have quite the same "Whoa.." factor as Witcher 2 did (understandable given the switch to open world) 3. The outrage over the downgrades isn't commensurate with the actual loss of...
  11. FieryTrainwreck

    Too much diversity.

    This argument is very poor. Stated premise: people are more likely to connect/identify with a protagonist who resembles their ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, etc. Implied premise: games should cater to the wants of their audience - especially if those games want to make money for...
  12. FieryTrainwreck

    Bahar Mustafa is being investigated by Scotland Yard

    It's just signaling. People do it all the time in every walk of life. Nothing particularly surprising, egregious, or objectionable about it. It does, however, become very, very funny when they pretend to originality or subversion by donning what amounts to a uniform. As for Bahar, she's a...
  13. FieryTrainwreck

    New Witcher 3 PC Patch Adds Visual Upgrades

    Gamers rush to defend their own mistreatment at the hands of publishers/developers/press faster than the consumers in any other industry, and yet we're the ones most often libeled as "entitled" by our own enthusiast media and each other. Sorta makes you wonder: would those with influence and...
  14. FieryTrainwreck

    Simon Pegg Told To Make Star Trek 3 Script "More Inclusive"

    The global box office is a huge part of the trend in dumbing down. Things like humor, subtext, and other more nuanced aspects of storytelling don't translate exceptionally well into different languages. When you're spending hundreds of millions of dollars on a film, you really can't afford to...